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Smith, and I have heard that I am called 'tight-fisted' in the neighborhood," he replied, with a smile. "Well, we are Major Waldron's little girls, Diddie and Dumps, an' this is my maid Dilsey, an' we've come ter see yer on business." "On business, eh?" replied Mr. Smith, stepping in at the low window.

Seeing this, and supposing that they were merely restless, Captain Guy recalled his men, and, not long after, every man in the cabin of the Dolphin was buried in profound slumber. Dumps sat on the top of a hummock, about quarter of a mile from the ship, with an expression of subdued melancholy on his countenance, and thinking, evidently, about nothing at all.

God bless him, God bless him! Here's to Gentleman George,-God bless him! See, see, the fine fellow grows weak on his stumps; Assist him, ye rascals, to stand! Why, ye stir not a peg! Are you all in the dumps? Fighting Attie, go, lend him a hand! Come, lean upon me, at your service I am! Get away from his elbow, you whelp! him You'll only upset, them 'ere fellows but sham!

"What are you looking for, Uncle Bob?" asked Diddie. "Des er few buckeyes, honey," answered the old man. "What you goin' ter du with 'em?" asked Dumps, as the little girls joined him in his search. "Well, I don't want ter die no drunkard, myse'f," said Uncle Bob, whose besetting sin was love of whiskey. "Does buckeyes keep folks from dying drunkards?" asked Dumps.

Besides, his head ached badly, and the bruise on his cheek, which he had scarcely felt among his other wounds, now began to swell and grow painful. Altogether, he was in the wars. He was groaning over his imposition late that evening in the class-room, feeling in dreadful dumps, and wishing he had never come to Saint Dominic's, when a hand laid on his shoulder made him start.

It was while Dumps was thus engaged that Brassey and the Slogger walked up to the front of the house and surveyed it in silence for a few minutes. They also took particular observations of both ends of the street. "All serene," said Brassey; "now, you go round to the back and use your key quietly. Give 'im the bit o' meat quick.

She smiled her haughty smile and spoke in her typical phlegmatic tone. "I'm wondering about taking another trip abroad." "With or without me?" "Hmm I love your subtlety. Maybe with you if you care to be a vagabond and don't get in the way of me painting." "What is a vagabond?" "No Four Star hotels living in little dumps that look like closets with no air conditioning and a shared shower.

"But you can't except just by understanding, and letting me tell my woes to you occasionally. After I've really been in the dumps I'm the most courageous thing you ever saw, and feel that I can accomplish wonders. I suppose the reason I feel blue just now is because Christmas is so near." "Christmas! Why, don't you just love Christmas?" "Love it! I should say not. I usually hate it."

But the reception accorded me by the doctor and his family was as nothing to the wild welcome lavished upon me by Dumps. That loving creature came more nearly to the bursting-point than I had ever seen him before. His spirit was obviously much too large for his body. He was romping with the McTougall baby when I entered.

Men and women, clad in a single cotton shift reaching to the knees, lounged in the doorways or against the frail walls, smoking cigars. Pot-bellied children, stark naked, played everywhere, but principally in the mudholes and on the offal dumps. Innumerable small, hairless dogs were everywhere about, a great curiosity to us, who had never even heard of such things.