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They swam hardly at all now, letting the current carry them forward. As silent as two drifting logs they dropped down upon the boat and in another moment were clinging to a bit of rope that chanced to be hanging over its stern. The bow of the boat was nosed against the bank; it lay diagonally downstream, with its stern some twenty feet from shore.

The boats of the Sparling fleet had been moving steadily downstream for several hours, their passengers, in the majority of instances, sound asleep, lulled by the gentle motion and the far away "spat, spat, spat," of the industrious paddle wheel at the stern of each craft.

Had he done so I should have been ended there and then, and this interesting history brought to an untimely conclusion on the very eve of its most interesting disclosures. But he thought better of it and with a shaking forefinger pointed toward the path downstream. "Go, Roger," he said in a trembling voice, "please go." I obeyed. There was nothing left for me to do.

I might inform you further of the gorge downstream, where you lie flat on your stomach ten feet above the river, and with one hand cautiously extended over the edge cast accurately into the angle of the cliff. Then when you get your strike, you tow him downstream, clamber precariously to the water's level still playing your fish and there land him, if he has accommodatingly stayed hooked.

Seeing the laden board, the pyramid of sandwiches rearing its luscious pinnacle toward heaven, he seemed to wink at Pee-wee with what purport who shall say? Sufficient that our hero saw him not. "He-e-e-elp! I'm drifting downstream with the refreshments," he called. "He-e-elp!" They heard him amid their revels. Townsend Ripley who had suffered the assaults of the hunter's stew heard him.

Only Rolfe, Sparrow, and the Indian stood their ground. The Governor turned from staring downstream. "The game is played, gentlemen," he announced abruptly. "The wind grows colder, too, and clouds are gathering. This fair company will pardon me if I dismiss them somewhat sooner than is our wont. The next sunny day we will play again. Give you God den, gentles."

Better not to think of it: better to muse on her companion, building fire as the first man had built for the first woman, to feed and comfort her in an environment of imminent fears. Coffee, when her man brought it, seemed too artificial for the time and place. She shook her head. She was not hungry. "You must," insisted Ban. He pointed downstream where the murk lay heavy.

She found another place, far downstream, where there was a rocky seat close to the water, and, curling herself down in it, she watched the water tumble and foam, and gave herself over to pondering on the delightful mystery of life and fate. Upstream, in Sahwah's own private nook, the invader reclined at ease, steeped in the sound slumber of a drowsy midsummer afternoon.

"Joe and Chuck will approach from upriver and go around the mansion fence by wading downstream. They'll stay under cover somewhere at the edge of the mansion grounds until they hear my signal on the radio to close in or until they see the balloon launched. I'll go in the way I did before." The two JANIG agents nodded, and bent over the chart borrowed from the houseboat.

"Would Miss Yardely's canoe come through that?" "Like a dry stick," answered the Indian, letting the canoe drift for a moment in order to swing into the main current of the broader stream. Ainley looked ahead. Downstream the river narrowed and the low broad banks about them gradually rose, until they were like high ramparts on either hand. The Indian pointed towards the tree-crowned cliffs.