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It was the fastest shot Dane had ever seen. The gargoyle head lifted away from the rock, and then turned to one side as its body, somehow vaguely obscene in its resemblance to the human form, fell away, to sprawl limply down-slope. Though the dead rock ape had not had a chance to give tongue, there came a cry from above, a coughing, deep-throated hawking.

But first I must find Nymani and prove to him that this is truly deviltry of a sort, but not demon inspired." He was gone, running lightly down-slope in the direction his hunter had taken, and Dane spoke to Captain Jellico. "What's this about water in trees, sir?" "There is a species of tree here, not too common, with a thickened trunk.

Once embarked upon this primrose path, which is always an imperceptible but easy down-slope, Io went farther than she had intended. "Why not?" she challenged. "Brass buttons," said Banneker concisely. She flushed angrily. "You can be rather a beast, can't you!" "A beast? Just for reminding you that the Atkinson and St.

"This side is on the direct down-slope from the peak, with nothing to break a snow-slide, or to carry off the bulk of the débris. "This morning, when I rode up with Simms' party, we met two old trappers who were coming down.

For a chill like the falling of sudden night had swept over him, and he shrugged his shoulders with relief when he swept past the house. Yet when he came to the long down-slope which pitched into the valley so far below him, he called Satan to a halt again, and swung to look at the house. He could hear the clatter of the front door as it swung; it seemed to be waving a farewell to him.

Jellico, his torn arm in a sling across his chest, came down-slope from the higher point where he had been using the distance lenses. "We struck straight across and cut off about ten miles by that jungle jog. Now I believe all that I've heard of your people's ability to cross wilderness and not lose their built in 'riding beams, sir.

It was six o'clock of a fine morning, and the train was toiling up a precipitous grade to the spine of the mountain, where the down-slope would begin and air-brakes rule. Pobloff looked about him. He scratched his long nose, a characteristic gesture, and began wondering when coffee would be ready. He pressed the bell. The guard entered, a miserable bandit who bravely wore his peaked hat with green plumes

Back he winged toward Rickett, running as freely as the wild leader of a herd, sometimes turning his fine head to one side to look back at the master or gaze over the hills, sometimes slackening to a trot up a sharper ascent or lengthening into a fuller gallop on an easy down-slope.

"What's the matter with you men? Is there any danger from the fire?" demanded Polly. "No, the fire's burning over the down-slope on the other side. You know it won't come this way," returned Mrs. Brewster. "Well, then where are the other men? Did those drunken miners shoot any one?" persisted the girl. "Don't bother with questions, Polly.

I pried bark off dead trees and dug into decayed logs to find the insect enemies of the trees. The open places, where little colonies of pine sprouts grew, seemed generally to be down-slope from the parent trees. It was easy to tell the places where the wind had blown the seeds. The hours sped by. The shadows of the pines lengthened, the sun set, and the shade deepened in the hollows.