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And if there are now new universities, the National and the Queen's, sturdy and vigorous in their youth, this does not imply that Trinity College suffers from the decreptitude of age. For among those whom she sent forth in recent times are Dowden and Mahaffy and Lecky, to name but three, and these would do credit to any university in Europe.

In this work I walk down the streets of Dublin I walked with Yeats over thirty years ago. I mix with the people who then were living in the city, O'Leary, Taylor, Dowden, Hughes and the rest; but the poet himself does not walk with me. It is a new voice speaking of the past of others, pointing out the doorways entered by dead youth.

"Is he known in these parts?" said Olly Dowden. "Hardly," said Timothy; "but I name no name... Come, keep the fire up there, youngsters." "Whatever is Christian Cantle's teeth a-chattering for?" said a boy from amid the smoke and shades on the other side of the blaze. "Be ye a-cold, Christian?" A thin jibbering voice was heard to reply, "No, not at all."

Nearly a quarter of an hour had passed, disturbed only by the broken breathing of the sufferer, when moving figures began to animate the line between heath and sky. In a few moments Clym arrived with Fairway, Humphrey, and Susan Nunsuch; Olly Dowden, who had chanced to be at Fairway's, Christian and Grandfer Cantle following helter-skelter behind.

When we reached the shelter of the front porch, I took the key from my pocket and opened the door. "I live here," I explained to Mr. Peck. "All right," he said. "Jest step in and tell George Dowden that Sim Peck's out here and wants to see him at the door a minute. Be quick."

"I hope his life will not be forgotten," says Macaulay, "for it is sublime in its simplicity, its energy, its honour, its affection. . . . His letter are worth piles of epics, and are sure to last among us, as long as kind hearts like to sympathise with goodness and purity and love and upright life." Southey: Poems, chosen by E. Dowden. Coleridge: Lyrical Poems, Chosen by A. T. Quiller-Couch.

Professor Dowden, indeed, has gone so far as to label this final period with the appellation of 'On the Heights, in opposition to the preceding one, which, he says, was passed 'In the Depths. Sir Sidney Lee, too, seems to find, in the Plays at least, if not in Shakespeare's mind, the orthodox succession of gaiety, of tragedy, and of the serenity of meditative romance.

If you want to come along, I expect it'll do you a power o' good." "I'll go," said Dowden, quickly. He got his coat and hat from a table in the hall, and we rejoined the huddled and shivering group at the gate. "Got my recruit, gents!" shrilled Peck, slapping Dowden boisterously on the shoulders. "I reckon he'll git a change of heart to-night!"

The freedom and largeness of opportunity is a stimulus to all strong minds. Lincoln, as Professor Dowden remarks, would in the Middle Ages have probably continued to split rails all his life.

She caught my hand with a strong, quick pressure, and, bending her head to mine, said, close to my ear: "I heard everything that man said in our hallway. You left the library door open when you called Mr. Dowden out." "So," I returned, maliciously, "you you couldn't HELP following!" She released my hand gently, to my surprise. "Hush," she whispered. "He's saying something."