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Perhaps some visitors will take a deeper interest in the residence of Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch, the "Haven," standing pleasantly by the waterside, facing the mouth of the harbour. Thousands of readers have made the acquaintance of "Troy Town" through the romances of "Q"; and Mr. Couch is not only the writer of fiction that is often delightful, he is also a fine literary critic.

Kidnapped , The Master of Ballantrae , and David Balfour are novels of adventure, giving us vivid pictures of Scotch life. Two romances left unfinished by his early death in Samoa are The Weir of Hermiston and St. Ives. The latter was finished by Quiller-Couch in 1897; the former is happily just as Stevenson left it, and though unfinished is generally regarded as his masterpiece.

"I hope his life will not be forgotten," says Macaulay, "for it is sublime in its simplicity, its energy, its honour, its affection. . . . His letter are worth piles of epics, and are sure to last among us, as long as kind hearts like to sympathise with goodness and purity and love and upright life." Southey: Poems, chosen by E. Dowden. Coleridge: Lyrical Poems, Chosen by A. T. Quiller-Couch.

By Arthur Quiller-Couch This is the story of a very distinguished member of the London Fire Brigade the dog Chance.

"Neither in the design nor in the telling did, or could, Enoch Arden come near the artistic truth of The Daffodil Fields," says Professor Quiller-Couch, of Cambridge. I am not entirely sure of the truth of this very positive statement. Each is a rural poem; the characters are simple; the poetic accompaniment supplied by the daffodils in one poem is supplied in the other by the sea.

"What is it?" she asked anxiously. "What is the matter with you?" He tried to speak, but his voice failed him, and all he could do was to point with trembling hand to the old man. Helen looked, and a loud cry broke from her lips. The old man was dead. THE OMNIBUS, By Quiller-Couch All that follows was spoken in a small tavern, a stone's throw from Cheapside, the day before I left London.

Clutton Brock, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, and Mr. McCarthy to begin with can be trusted to say easily, and, if necessary, weekly, about the intrinsic qualities of a book. To be sure, Mr.

Hewlett's style is finished and richly poetical, but often too ornate and too encrusted with archaic terms and other artificial forms. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, born in Cornwall in 1863, is a fiction writer, critic, poet, and anthologist. Having much of Stevenson's love for romantic adventure, he was chosen to finish St. Ives, left incomplete by Stevenson.

The Splendid Spur , a spirited tale of romance and war in the perturbed time of Charles I., is one of his best stories of adventure. Among his books on simple Cornish life may be mentioned The Delectable Duchy . It is a collection of short stories and sketches. Quiller-Couch sees life without a touch of morbid somberness and he commands a vivacious, highly-trained style.

There is some first-class work to be picked also from the contemporary work of Wells and of Quiller-Couch which reaches a high standard. One little sketch "Old Oeson" in "Noughts and Crosses" is, in my opinion, as good as anything of the kind which I have ever read. And all this didactic talk comes from looking at that old green cover of Poe.

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