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I think I shall keep this letter open to tell you how the old place impresses me. Midnight and a half. I've had a shock. Ennis's is dead as a doornail. We entered, after the theatre, and galvanized the Rooms into a kind of dreadful life. They "don't serve many suppers now, sir," it seems. "It's mostly luncheons and dinners." The waiters resented us as intruders.

He jabbed his knife into his own stomach to show he wasn't to be outdone and down he fell, dead as a doornail." Everychild's heart was beating hard and his face wore a troubled expression. "I suppose," he said after a thoughtful pause, "Blunderbore was a very wicked giant like the Giant Fear?" Jack was frankly surprised at this question. "A giant is a giant," he said shortly.

I travel to town with the dead man to-night, and if they find he is anything but dead as a doornail, I'll " The doctor was writing his reminiscences, "The Recollections of a Country Physician," and he could not fail to welcome these events, for they were destined to lend extraordinary attraction to a volume otherwise not destined to be much out of the common. He spoke again.

It seemed to him that a tremor of unevenness had come into her voice. "Oh, dead as a doornail, Elizabeth. Very neat shot. Youngster that dropped him; boy named Joe Minter. Six thousand dollars for Joe. Nice little nest egg to build a fortune on, eh?" "Six thousand dollars! What do you mean, Vance?" "The price on the head of Jack Hollis. That was Hollis, sis. The celebrated Black Jack."

And you've got a right to be. This will put an end to your company's boats coming up here for traffic, it will kill you deader'n a doornail so far as business is concerned. So you'd better get out at once. I never liked you very much anyhow and now I've got no use for you at all. Just to save my own skin and my own reputation as a law-abiding citizen, I'll help you to get away.

Just for a single instant imagine yourself Falstaff, and if there weren't hundreds of Falstaffs in every generation, to be examples of his ungodly life, he'd be as dead as a doornail to-morrow imagine yourself Falstaff, and being so, sitting down to write "Henry IV," or "The Merry Wives." It's simply preposterous. You wouldn't be such a fool as to waste the time.

I wrote a book of my travels noteworthy incidents. Publisher got it cheated me out of it. Great rascals those publishers! Upon one occasion the Duke of Wellington's nephew and I were travelling in Russia. All of a sudden one of the horses dropped down dead as a doornail. There we were cold night snow four feet thick great forest one horse not being able to move the sledge night coming on wolves.

"Dead as a doornail," he murmured to Chick, who also had approached. "I find her hand still warm, however. She can have been dead only a few minutes." "Heart failure, perhaps," suggested Chick. "I don't think so." "Why?" "She doesn't look it. Her form is plump, her cheeks full, and she appears to have been in perfect health." "Yet she is dead." "No doubt of it." "A pretty girl, too." "Very.

The self-starter hummed as it spun the flywheel, but nothing whatever was elicited save a profane phrase from Foster and a growl from Mert. Bud sat back flaccid, his whole body owning defeat. "Well, that means a tow in to the nearest shop," he stated, after a minute of dismal silence. "She's dead as a doornail." Mert sat back in his corner of the seat, muttering into his collar.

Who can read his much-translated masterpiece without unpleasant twinges? Dead as a doornail! So far as I can recollect, there is an infinity of kissing in "Daphnis." It was an age of sentimentality, and the Greek pastoral ideal, transfused into a Swiss environment of 1810, could not but end in slobber and Gefuehlsduselei.