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"You think somebody here the servants?" she asked. "I can't see how it could have been an outsider. The stuff wasn't all taken at once; it must have been moved out a piece at a time, and worthless pistols moved in and hung on the racks to replace valuable pistols taken." He had left the library door purposely open; when the doorbell rang, he heard it. "I'll let them in," he said.

"You must have thought us so queer! It was too bad to give you so much trouble." "None whatever, I assure you. My sense of propriety," he added demurely, "which might have been outraged had I been called upon to help three young ladies out of a schoolroom window at night, was deeply gratified at being able to assist them in again." The doorbell rang loudly, and Mr. Prince rose.

His ear was too familiar with the ordinary sounds in the house to be deceived; there was in these steps a hesitation or a precaution which evidently betrayed a stranger, and with the few connections they had, a stranger was surely an enemy the one whom he expected. A ring of the doorbell, given by a firm hand, made him jump from his chair.

I had just got back to the table from my phoning when the doorbell rang; we saw the big Chinese slip noiselessly through the rear into the hall to answer it, coming back a moment later, announcing in his weighty, correct English, "Two gentlemen calling to see Captain Gilbert." "Ask for me?" Worth came to his feet in surprise. "Who told them I was here?"

There are certain narrow, unimaginative, and autocratic old people who seem to call out the most mischievous, and sometimes the worst traits in children. Miss Miranda, had she lived in a populous neighborhood, would have had her doorbell pulled, her gate tied up, or "dirt traps" set in her garden paths.

Of Theo's hints he was speaking to Rose as they sat together at breakfast, and she had answered, "It will be a splendid match," when the doorbell rang, and the servant announced, "A lady in the parlor, who asks for Mr. Warner." "I told you someone would come," said Rose. "Do, pray, see who it is. How does she look, Janet?"

While Miss Redburn sat at the window, the doorbell rang with great violence; and Michael yes, Michael he is still there, a veteran in the service of Mrs. Gordon, and fully believing that Katy is an angel Michael hastened to admit Grace. She is a little older than when we saw her last, but she is the same Grace.

Doctors and dentists often have their accounts kept by someone who is not altogether in their employ. A good business connection of this kind might be worked up in a neighbourhood. Or a girl might answer the dentist's or doctor's doorbell and telephone during certain hours in the day. She could give attendance in his office at the same time.

"Oh, Father, what do you mean?" "Just what I say. You say nobody lives there, and that's the very man I mean." "All right," said King. "We'll go, if you tell us to. Hey, Mops?" "'Course we will! What shall we say to Mr. Nobody, Father?" "First you must ring the doorbell, and if Nobody opens the door, walk in." "Ho! If Nobody opens the door, how can we walk in?" "Walk in.

"But I don't want him to come back!" she cried. "I want you!" Dominey sat for a moment motionless, like a figure of stone. Through the wide-flung, blind-shielded windows came the raucous cry of a newsboy, breaking the stillness of the summer evening. And then another and sharper interruption, the stopping of a taxicab outside, the firm, insistent ringing of the front doorbell.