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It is true, she speaks but few words; but the few words she docs speak are genuine hieroglyphs of the inner world of Love and of the higher cognition of the intellectual life revealed in the intuition of the Eternal beyond the grave. But you have no understanding for all these things, and I am only wasting words."

According to an English official estimate made at the end of the war, the Iroquois numbered 2,550 warriors in 1689, and only 1,230 in 1698. N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 420. In 1701, a French writer estimates them at only 1,200 warriors. In other words, their strength was reduced at least one half.

His rooms were full of dry goods boxes, into which his servant was crowding all manner of old clothes and stuff: I suppose he will paint 'Pub. Docs' on them and frank them home. That's good economy, isn't it?" "Yes, yes, but child, all Congressmen do that. It may not be strictly honest, indeed it is not unless he had some public documents mixed in with the clothes." "It's a funny world.

Apprenez, chiens de Francois, a souffrir, et vous sauvages leurs allies, qui etes les chiens des chiens, souvenez vous de ce que vous devez faire quand vous serez en pareil etat que moi." Hist. N. Y., I. 323-355; La Potherie, III. 270-282; N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 242.

Oliveri’s men were taken in and Drew saw Rennie himself going from one of the wounded to another, applying bandages and once probing skillfully for a bullet. Drew commented on that, and Nye answered: "Old Man knows what’s he’s doin’. He ain’t no real doc, of course, but was I totin’ me a hunka lead in some serious part, I’d rather have him diggin’ for it than a lotta docs I’ve seen out here.

He stared after us, half coming out of his seat. "Hey, docs, ain't you gonna let me tell you about it?" "Later, Bullard," Pietro called back. "Something just came up. We want to hear all about it." Inside the mess hall, he shrugged. "He's eating the food himself. If he's crazy, he's in a happy stage of it. I'm sure he isn't trying to poison us."

They will neither act for themselves nor assist their neighbors.... Few but hirelings have a seat in the Assembly, who protract time for the sake of their wages, at a great expence to the Province, without contributing anything material for its welfare, credit, or safety." Docs., VI. 365. At Saratoga there was a small settlement of Dutch farmers, with a stockade fort for their protection.

Docs., III. 528. In spite of his sarcasms, it is clear that the claim of prior discovery and occupation was on the side of the French. The dispute now assumed a new phase. Both disputants claimed the Iroquois as subjects, and the contest wore an aspect more serious than before. The royal declaration was a great relief to Dongan.

The way was so long and so dangerous, and the governor had grown of late so cautious, that he dreaded the risk of maintaining such remote communications. On second thought, he resolved to keep Frontenac and sacrifice Niagara. Docs., IX. 380. The palisades were torn down by Denonville's order on the 15th of September.

Irwin declared that Astor's purpose was to save his furs from capture by the British, and concluded: "Mr. Astor's agent brought the furs to Mackinac in company with the British troops, and the whole transaction is well known at Mackinac and Detroit." U. S. Senate Docs., First Session, Seventeenth Congress, 1821-22, Vol. I, Doc. No. 60:50-51.