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If we are chased, and find the place too hot for us, we can make away to the mainland and, cruising along there, may come upon places that the Spaniards have never visited, and may there gather great store of gold and silver, without danger. But I wish no one, and certainly not my Cousin Diggory, to enter upon this affair unless with confidence and good heart.

What Lucy's indignation would have led her to say next can never be known, for at this moment in bounced a tall slim boy of thirteen, his long curling locks streaming tangled behind him. "Hollo!" he shouted, "what is the matter now? Dainty Deborah in the dumps? Cheer up, my lass! I'll warrant that doughty Diggory is discreet enough to encounter no more bullets than he can reasonably avoid!"

Jack and Diggory listened in amazement to the uproar with which they suddenly found themselves surrounded, and not wishing to risk the chance of having a form or a table upset on their toes, remained seated in their corner, wondering how the affair would end. At length, piercing the general uproar, came the distant clang, clang of the bell for preparation.

Moreover, Lady Woodley and Rose had to put on a show of grief, lest they should betray that they were better informed; and they were in agonies lest Walter's fury at the falsehoods should be as apparent to their guests as it was to themselves. "Are you sure of what you say, Diggory?" said Lady Woodley. "Sure as that I stand here, my lady. There was sword and shot and smoke all round.

Diggory and Jack Vance dropped flat on their stomachs, for the words had hardly been uttered when the doors were flung open, and at least ten of the Philistines rushed out into the road with a yell of defiance.

Diggory turned his head, to find the far-off patch of light replaced by a spark of fiery red, and the terrible truth flashed across his mind that in the excitement of the moment he could not remember for certain which was the down line.

"Well, well, we must not think of that," Diggory Beggs said, hastily; "but, nevertheless, cousin, if the Swan sails for those seas, I will see that she is well provided with ordnance and small arms, so that she shall be able to hold her own with those who would meddle with her." "That is all I ask, Diggory.

The same thing held good with the next letter: G was seventh from the beginning, and T was seventh from the end." Diggory paused as though to see what effect this announcement would have on the faces of his friends. "Well!" they exclaimed; "go on!" "Why, then, I saw in a moment what they'd done: they'd simply transposed the whole alphabet A. was Z, and Z was A!"

'Oh, Diggory Venn! she said, 'I thought 'twas you will you help me? I am in trouble." "How did she know your Christian name?" said Mrs. Yeobright doubtingly. "I had met her as a lad before I went away in this trade. She asked then if she might ride, and then down she fell in a faint. I picked her up and put her in, and there she has been ever since.

But we must stand by him because of the Triple Alliance. Noaks is sure to try to set on him the first chance he gets." "Yes," answered Diggory; "look out for squalls." At the end of the first fortnight our three friends had begun to find their feet at Ronleigh, and the sense of being "outsiders" in everything was gradually wearing off as they grew more intimate with their schoolfellows.