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"This is the wrong latitude in which to dispute a lady, but knowin' this camp from soup to nuts, as I do, I su'gests a male escort." "Very well! I wish to find Mr. Struve, of Dunham & Struve, lawyers." "I'll take you to their offices," said Glenister. "You see to the baggage, Dex. Meet me at the Second Class in half an hour and we'll run out to the Midas."

The boy showed his white teeth, threw the stones in the air, and caught them again with the greatest ease. "That's it, Helen, my dear," cried the doctor triumphantly. "Cleverness of the right hand dexterity. Capital name." "Capital name, papa?" "Yes; Dexter! Good Latin sound. Fresh and uncommon. Dexter Dex. Look here, sir. No more Obed. You shall be called Dexter." "All right," said the boy.

What do you think?" "I think you're getting worse as you grow older, Pat. Say, did you ever get track of that roan mare you lost up at Las Cruces?" "Yes, I got her back." "Speaking of horses, I saw a pinto down in Sonora " Just then the assistant joined them, and they sauntered to the cantina. Dex, tied at the rail, turned and gazed at them.

I have lands in Spalding, by your Majesty's grace, and wish to enjoy them in peace, having worked for them hard enough and how can I do that, as long as Hereward sits in Ely?" "Splendeur Dex!" said William, "them art right, old butcher." So they laid their heads together to slay Hereward.

Waring rode until dawn, when he picketed Dex in a clump of chaparral and lay down to rest. He had purposely passed the water-hole, a half-mile south, after having watered the horse and refilled his canteen. There was a distinction, even in Sonora, between Pedro Salazar, the citizen, and Pedro Salazar, of the Sonora police. The rurales might get busy.

They all tell me that all the old-timers; but I don't know what to do. I thought I did but I don't. The law has come into this country and I've tried to meet it half-way. They jumped us and put in a receiver a big man by the name of McNamara. Dex wasn't there and I let them do it. When the old man learned of it he nearly went crazy. We had our first quarrel. He thought I was afraid "

A young Mexican swung down and walked stiffly up to Dex. "Where is Señor Jim?" he queried, breathing hard. "Don' know, hombre. This his hoss?" "Si! It is Dex." 'Well, the hoss came in, recent, draggin' the reins." "Then you have seen him?" "Seen who? Who are you, anyway?" "Me, I am Ramon Ortego, of Sonora. The Señor Jim is my friend. I would find him."

At the same instant the girl cried out, sharply, flinging herself from her position, while the marshal jerked his head back in time to see her dash upon Dextry. "Don't! Don't!" She cried her appeal to the old man. "Keep cool. You'll be sorry, Dex they're almost through." The officer had not seen any movement on Dextry's part, but doubtless her quick eye had detected signs of violence.

And, leaning against Dex, he wept softly, as women weep, with a happiness too great to bear. The big horse nuzzled his shoulder with his velvet-smooth nose, as though he would sympathize. Then he turned to munching alfalfa again in huge content. He had had a weary journey. And though his master had not come to feed him, here was the gentle, low-voiced Ramon, whom he knew as a friend. City Folks

Gautier Giffart, Sire de Longueville, to thee is the gonfanon." "Beau Sire," answered Gautier; "par Dex, Merci. But my head is grey and my arm weak; and the little strength left me I would spend in smiting the English at the head of my men." "Per la resplendar De," cried William, frowning; "do ye think, my proud vavasours, to fail me in this great need?"