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Why, you was the very man to find fault with him. 'Couldn't stand his temper another day, you said; and must do something desprit. Those were your very words." "I know it. I didn't think " "Oh, to hell with your 'didn't think'! The man's dead, an' cryin' won't bring him back. Much you'd welcome him, if he did come back!" "Don't, Bill!" "Now, look you here, Jim Lucky!

"It's the truth," ses Charlie, looking down at 'is plate. "If somebody don't tell me wot all this is about in two minutes, I shall do something desprit," ses Mrs. Cook, getting up. "This 'ere er man," ses Jack Bates, pointing at Charlie, "owes me seventy-five pounds and won't pay.

For my part I can give no guess when I shall get away, for I purchast but 27 slaves since I have been here, for slaves is very scarce. We have had nineteen Sail of us at one time in ye Road, so that ships that used to carry pryme slaves off is now forced to take any that comes. Here is seven sail of us Rum men that are ready to devour one another, for our case is desprit."

The D.C. stands for Desprit Cusses, a numerosity which abounds here, the most of whom persess a Romantic pashun for gratooitous drinks. And in this conjunction I will relate an incident. I notist for several days a large Hearse standin in front of the principal tavern on Pennsylvany Avenoo.

Well, I follers along this path with my feet until it come to a hole in the rocks; and when I come to that hole I went right in, fer I was desprit; and I crawled in and crawled in until I come to a big nest of leaves, and then I begin to burrow down into them leaves. And as soon as I had made a hole I pulled them leaves over me and fell to sleep, I was that exhausted.

Then we ked gie 'em a second, and load an' fire half a dozen times afore they could mount up hyar if they'd dar to try it. Ah! it's too fur. The distance in these hyar high purairas is desprit deceivin'. Durned pity we kedn't do it. I fear we can't." "If we should miss, then " "Things 'ud only be wuss. I reck'n we'd better let'm slide now, and foller arter.

All he wanted to do was to run; and if the Hen hadn't got a fresh grip on him and held him she was a strapping strong woman, the Hen was he would a-made a bolt for it certain sure. "No! No! Don't attempt to run!" says the Hen, talking scared and desprit. "In an instant, should we turn our backs on him, the terrible creature would be upon us with one long cruel bound!"

We will all go a 'moonlightin' tugither. Eyah!" he resumed reminiscently, "many's th' toime I mind me ould father God rist him! tellin' th' tales av thim days, whin times was harrd in Oireland, an' rints wint up an' th' pore was dhriven well-nigh desprit. How him an' his blood-cousin, Tim Moriarty, lay wan night for an' ould rapparee av a landlord, who'd evicted pore Tim out av house an' home.

But de nex' night Lijah wake up ag'in an' heah somefin', an' sho'nuf in de mawnin' bof his mules wuz dat wo'n out lak dey been a-runnin' in de mud all night, dat he cain't do no wuk wid 'em. Lijah, he kinda desprit wid dis, an' so dat night he don' go to bed but sit up an' hide in de ba'n.

A Rhode Island captain, for instance, wrote his owners from Anamabo in 1736, "heare is 7 sails of us rume men, that we are ready to devour one another, for our case is desprit"; while four years afterward another wrote after trading at the same port, "I have repented a hundred times ye lying in of them dry goods", which he had carried in place of the customary rum.