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With these words, Lupin hurried out of the house and, stepping into his car, shouted to the driver: "Go to Paris, Square Lamartine, Daubrecq the deputy's!"

The deputy arched his eyebrows cynically. "Where do you come in?" he queried. Bob drew back the lapel of his coat and showed the butt of his automatic gun nestling under his left arm. "I'm playing a purely professional engagement, my friend. If McGraw should show up here this morning it is my business to take care of him." The deputy's suspicions were allayed at last.

"Thought you'd get away, did you, Fort?" in heavy, insolent tones. "Well, you get left, my boy!" "Eklan Norbith!" cried Fort at the same instant. Next second he had landed on the deputy's machine. "Norbith!" thought Mona, immediately recalling her patient at the hospital. She hesitated only an instant, then dove in a steep spiral down toward the two.

I heard him preach such a sermon as in my simple opinion, I heard not in many years." But as Leverous was well known to be not only a Geraldine but also a strong Papist the Deputy's recommendation was set at nought, and the See of Ossory was conferred on John Bale.

Something about the tramp's manner inclined the deputy to believe that he had spoken truth. "All right," said Tenlow; "just step ahead. Don't try the brush or I'll drop you." "'Course you would," said Overland, stepping ahead of the deputy's pony. "But the bunch you're takin' orders from don't want me dead; they want me alive. I ain't no good all shot up. You ought to know that."

"That a deputy's badge?" he inquired, and then turned to examine the School-commissioner's costume. "Where's yours?" "I git mine ven election comes," said Jake, with a grin. "And yours, Judge?" "I'm a justice of the peace, young feller," said Silas, with dignity. Leaning round, and observing a bulge on the right hip of the School-commissioner, Hal put out his hand towards it.

Laura really took undue advantage of her superiority. She was irresistibly amiable and bewitching with everybody. The majority of the men in Castro Duro talked of nothing but her, and the women hated her to the death. Being a marchioness, a Cardinal's niece, and a Deputy's sister, gave her, besides, a terrible social prestige.

"The back part of the car is for you youngsters. That reminds me. We don't know each other's names. Mine's Simmons." The other deputy's name proved to be Valden. The boys quickly introduced themselves. Away went the car, over the rough roads. To avoid sending warning too far ahead the lights were turned low. On account of the condition of this rough forest road the speed was slow.

Here is Merle Shirley watching some one at the studio. Isn't that likely to be the director? And if Shirley is watching Werner you have the explanation for the second intruder at Tarrytown last night. Shirley is big enough and strong enough to have given the deputy a nice swift tussle." "A little tall, I'm afraid," Kennedy remarked. "You can't go by the deputy's impressions.

Deputy's self down to the waist- coateers in the alley, all of them are twiring and peeping betwixt their fingers when you pass; and yet you call yourself a miserable dog! and I must tell you all this over and over again, as if I were whistling the chimes of London to a pettish child, in order to bring the pretty baby into good-humour!"