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"Said a relative had left him a fortune and he was going on a long trip for his health." Britz proceeded to enlighten the district attorney as to the real reason for the deputy's departure. He related all the circumstances that led up to the substitution of prisoners, Wells listening with growing amazement.

Some thought it might be the heat, or a touch of his old complaint. The majority were agreed that the attack was due to the Deputy's eloquence. And it was true that he was greatly impressed by the speech, but not quite as much as all that. He had decided to faint at a critical moment, for the sake of appearances. It was clever of him.

This speech caused a burst of laughter and universal approbation. Mr. Deputy's deputy now ordered him into custody, and said he would commit him. Against this I loudly protested, declaring it false and arbitrary imprisonment.

"You've gotta die and if you was half a man you'd wanna die like one." The deputy sheriff slipped to the ground. His terror had overcome him, leaving him in happy unconsciousness. Byrne stood looking down upon the man for a moment. His wrist was chained to that of the other, and the pull of the deputy's body was irritating.

For observe that while the time allowed to the original deputy the Jalno was measured by weeks, the time allowed to the deputy's deputy was cut down to days, ten days according to one authority, seven days according to another.

And in the meanwhile, the sortie against the deputy's camp has fared no better, and the victory of the night remains with the English. Twenty minutes after, Winter and the captains who were on shore were drying themselves round a peat-fire on the beach, and talking over the skirmish, when Will Cary asked "Where is Leigh? who has seen him? I am sadly afraid he has gone too far, and been slain."

At the very outset they successfully resisted the proposition to meet in the Castle, surrounded by the Deputy's guards, as a silent menace. They next contended that before proceeding to the election of Speaker the Council should submit to the Judges the decision of the alleged invalid elections. A tumultous and protracted debate was had on this point.

He grew pale to the lips at the Deputy's threat, and his eyes cravenly avoided the steady gaze of his captor. "You deserve little consideration at my hands, Citizen," said La Boulaye, more quietly, "and yet I have a mind to give you a lesson in generosity. We start for Paris in half-an-hour.

He walked to the edge of the sidewalk and stood there, too engrossed in thought to see Kate until she had ridden close to him. "Will you tell me what progress you're making? It's so hard, this waiting and not knowing." The deputy's eyes blazed anew when he recognized the girl, and under stress of feeling he blurted out harshly: "I'm called off, Miss Prentice!" "Called off!" she gasped. "You mean "

Things went on this way for a month. In the mean time the deputy had reported to the sheriff, who came on to personally supervise the undertaking. Gray was on the lookout, and was aware of the deputy's presence. All he could do was to put an extra man on herd at night, arm his men well, and await results.