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A strong, vibratory movement suddenly made all the bones in the head rattle and the tongue wag, whilst from the jaws, as if belched up from some deep-down well, came a gust of wind, putrescent with the ravages of the tomb, and yet, at the same time, tainted with the same sweet, sickly odour with which Lady Adela had latterly become so familiar.

Is it because there is no one in the world to care what would happen to me?” There was a deep-down vibration in her tone for the first time. We had not a word to say. And she added after a long silence: “There is a very good reason. There is a danger.” With wonderful insight Mills affirmed at once: “Something ugly.” She nodded slightly several times. Then Mills said with conviction: “Ah!

The deep-down conviction that wisdom, power, love, that is, God, is at the heart of the universe. Third, that God is not only wisdom and power and love, but that he is the universal Father, not merely the Father of the elect, not merely the Father of Christians, not merely the Father of civilized people, but the Father of all men, equally, lovingly, tenderly the Father of all men.

There would be no social upheaval so long as the climate was what it was! And with this simple formula, and a kind of very deep-down throaty chuckle, he would pass to a subject of more immediate importance. There was something, indeed, rather masterly in his grasp of the fact that rain might be trusted to put out any fire give it time.

"He started by reading everything he could find about money and coinage and stocks and bonds and other financial paper. He told me that it was incredible the things that financial experts didn't know about their own business the deep-down things and that he guessed it was so with any business. He got on top by really knowing the things that everybody was supposed to know."

But I won't I won't let that horrid little Top Self conquer" and, interested in the working of her own mind, she paused a moment to consider how curious it was that all those faces should rise to aid her just when she needed them "Seemed almost as if they WERE Deep-Down Self but of course they couldn't be, because that's me but it's queer they seemed like a part of me too "

Perhaps the brain had been stunned asleep, but the deep-down soul was awake. It was calling to Beverley's soul, and the call had to be answered, or the vow would be broken. Roger Sands' wife dared not break such a vow lest she should be punished and lose her magical happiness. She hated the sight of blood. She wanted to think that, if the girl were dying, she could do no good.

He stood for a moment considering, then he sat down once more, and began to speak with a resolution that seemed to be prompted by passion. "Ruby, to-day I think I was false to myself, because to-day I was false to my real, my deep-down belief in you.

As his work proceeded, he was more convinced that fermentation can never occur in the absence and exclusion of living germs; and this view of the deep-down processes in living matter has now been accepted as correct. The next stage in the work of Pasteur was the discovery that certain substances, such as glycerine, are products of fermentation.

Then, strangely, the basis of Burns's character, with all its fun and manliness, was hypochondria, the blues, palpable enough in "Despondency," "Man was made to Mourn," "Address to Ruin," a "Bard's Epitaph," &c. From such deep-down elements sprout up, in very contrast and paradox, those riant utterances of which a superficial reading will not detect the hidden foundation.