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I'm feeling them kind of thanks, but I can't say 'em." The grins faded from some of the faces. "You ain't goin' to fan it to-night?" asked one. "Guess I will. You see, I'm broke, now. I'm used to travelin' any old time, and nights ain't bad believe me. It's mighty hot daytimes in this here country. How far did you say?" "Just over the hill then a piece down the trail.

Strong Ingmar saw very little of his son-in-law, for that summer the old man and young Ingmar, who had now gone back to the Ingmar Farm to live, were hard at work daytimes putting up a sawmill below the rapids. It was a proud day for Strong Ingmar when the sawmill was ready and the first log had been turned into white planks by the buzzing saws.

He's going to night-school so's he can learn the education he's missing daytimes, and says he gets along well in everything but algebra. I guess that's how he came to speak to Hope about it. I told him she'd be glad to help him with 'xamples he couldn't do, 'cause she was Professor Watson's star scholar in that.

"I have tried so hard," she murmured, "so hard and I cannot help it. I have despised myself for it if only he hadn't been put there, I think it would have helped but he is there, and my thoughts are with him there I see him nights in that cell I see him daytimes breaking stones I can't sleep, or eat, without comparing you know.

Once the three were alone he lost no time in making his predicament known, the while his friend listened in amazement. "But is it really so serious?" the latter asked, finally. "It's life or death. There's a homocidal maniac named Willie guarding me daytimes, and a pair of renegades who keep watch at my window all night.

Indeed, the little but was so constructed that it could not be distinguished from the woods even a short distance away. "Can't have a fire, I suppose?" Sinnet asked. "Not daytimes. Smoke 'd give me away if he suspicioned me," answered the mountaineer. "I don't take no chances. Never can tell."

"Pick up yo' shirt-tail offer the groun' what I tore off, Jimmy," advised Billy, "an' take it home to yo' ma. Aunt Minerva," he pleaded, following mournfully behind her, "please don't put me to bed; the Major he don' go to bed no daytimes; I won't never get me no mo' eggs to make rabbit's eggs outer." The days flew rapidly by.

He had the whole world before him down here. If worst came to worst he could easily support himself daytimes, and at night learn either a trade or a profession. This was not a dream on my part; I saw men who were actually doing it. I was doing it myself for that matter.

"We'll only move along daytimes. We'll camp at night." For three days they sailed along, sometimes over vast level plains on which grazed wild cattle, again over impenetrable jungles which they could never have gotten through in their ox carts. They crossed rivers and many small lakes, stopping each night on the ground, the airship securely anchored to trees.

The younger corporal wrote: "I've laughed with the rest over my two days' captivity among the Navajos, and made light of it. I don't mind telling you that after shivering through two nights without clothes and without enough blankets, being bitten by mosquitoes and flies, and scorched daytimes by the sun, I begin to think Manuel a great hero.