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By that time he'd feel secure in his own right about Nancy." "I'm not afraid of, or for, Joan, Davey." Doris lifted her head proudly. "And, David, I want to tell you now that my coming to The Gap was more on the children's account than my own. I have always felt that here, if anywhere, the truth might be exposed. At first I was anxious; fearful yet hopeful.

If there were any doubt left, his forehead was somewhat disfigured by the scar of an old wound such as might have been caused by a blunt instrument in the nature of a poker. "What's the matter with YOU?" Mr. Arp whirled upon Uncle Joe Davey, who was enjoying himself by repeating at intervals the unreasonable words, "Couldn't of be'n Joe," without any explanation. "Why couldn't it?" shouted Eskew.

"Snap's dislike to the clergy reminds me," said Colonel Hamilton, "of a story I heard the other day from my friend Gordon, the artist: You must know that last year the county gave old Vaughan of Marshford Grange, for his services as M.F.H., a testimonial. 'Old V., as he is known, has the hereditary temper of all the Vaughans in fact, might vie with 'Our Davey' of Indian fame.

Davey, steadfastly. "I'll bet there ain't any less than four thousand niggers in Canaan to-day!" Mr. Arp hammered the floor with his stick. "Every last one of 'em criminals, and more comin' on every train." "No such a thing," said Squire Buckalew, living up to his bounden duty. "You look down the street. There's the ten-forty-five comin' in now.

Then accompanied by the boys and with Old Davey trotting alongside to keep up, he started in swift strides for the Hampton house, which could be seen above the intervening tree tops, about a quarter of a mile away. "I thought you came out from town for a little peace and quiet, Dad," said Bob. "You're certainly getting it, aren't you? Hey. There he goes."

Davey, after a little practice, succeeded in duplicating by mere sleight of hand many of the most impressive feats of the mediums; doing this, indeed, so well that some spiritists alleged that he was in reality a medium himself.

Martin walked to and fro; he had been more moved by the song than he cared to confess. "The darling!" Doris whispered. Then: "Can't you see what Miss Phillips meant, Davey? The child is talented she shall never be held back. Wealth can be as cruel and crippling as poverty. Be prepared, David, I mean to let Joan free." Martin came close and sat down.

K, lever and weight lifted by electro-magnet, E. A, open contact completed by pendulum each swing. B, battery. R, ratchet wheel and pawl. M, lever fixed at top. At the recent meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Dublin, Mr. Davey, of Leeds, spoke of synchronizing mechanisms. He had occupied some of his spare time in attempting to synchronize clocks from a standard clock.

"Queer, isn't it, Davey, how one can brace and bear a good deal while there is the necessity, and then realize the strain only when the need is past? Joan says only 'coming home, but I know as surely as I ever knew anything that it has been for the best and she is coming gladly to me coming home! I could not have endured the silence much longer."

Davey were so simple that one is astonished that he should have had the boldness to employ them; but he had such a power over the mind of the crowd that he could persuade it that it saw what it did not see." Here, as always, we have the power of the hypnotiser over the hypnotised.