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The night before, she had reached Datchet; and, prowling about, had found a baker's shop open and deserted. Laden with spoil, she hastened to return, and lost her way.

If you give me the five hundred sovereigns, which you have in that bag, at once in five minutes it will be too late I will promise I will not swear; if you do not credit my simple promise, you will not believe my solemn affirmation I will promise that, possibly within an hour, certainly within an hour and a half, the Duchess of Datchet shall return to you absolutely uninjured except, of course, as you are already aware, with regard to a few of the hairs of her head.

I thought it best, in order to get the most direct information, to play the innocent about Eton and Windsor; but Dick volunteered his knowledge to me as we lay in Datchet lock about the first.

Dacre had handed the duke into it before his grace had quite realized that the vehicle was there. "Tell the fellow to drive faster." That was what the duke said when the cab had started. "My dear Datchet, the man's already driving his geerage off its legs. If a bobby catches sight of him he'll take his number."

Dacre looked the Duke of Datchet up and down in that languid way he has. He perceived the canvas bag. Then he remarked, possibly intending to be facetious: "Been robbing the bank? Shall I call a cart?" Nobody minds what Ivor Dacre says. Besides, he is the duke's own cousin. Perhaps a little removed; still, there it is. So the duke smiled a sickly smile, as if Mr.

"Hereward," she cried, "just think how that man must be laughing at you!" And the Duke of Datchet thought of it. The Minor Canon It was Monday, and in the afternoon, as I was walking along the High Street of Marchbury, I was met by a distinguished-looking person whom I had observed at the services in the cathedral on the previous day. Now it chanced on that Sunday that I was singing the service.

I think I remember Morgan Fenwolf, the keeper, and will send for him to the castle, and question him. But in any case, I and Surrey will visit Herne's Oak to-night." The remonstrances of both ladies were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Will Sommers. "What ho! my lords to your places! to your places!" cried the jester, in a shrill angry voice. "See ye not we are close upon Datchet Bridge?

For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies; and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her." So, to such a man as Herschel, that peaceful astronomer life at Datchet was indeed, in the truest sense of those much-abused words, "success in life."

To get rid of this oppressive sense I strove to imagine change in this tranquil spot this augmented my mood, by causing me to bestow more attention on the objects which occasioned me pain. I reached Datchet and Lucy's humble abode once noisy with Saturday night revellers, or trim and neat on Sunday morning it had borne testimony to the labours and orderly habits of the housewife.

"A lady or, at least, your grace, she seemed to be a lady." "Where is she?" "She came in a hansom, your grace. She gave me that letter, and said, 'Give that to the Duke of Datchet at once without a moment's delay! Then she got into the hansom again, and drove away." "Why didn't you stop her?" "Your grace!"