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'Miss Radnor and Mademoiselle de Seilles arrived quite safely, said Dudley, feasting on the box which contained them and no Dartrey Fenellan in it. Nesta was wondering at Dartrey's absence. Not before Mr. Dubbleson, the chairman, the 'gentleman of local influence, had animated the drowsed wits and respiratory organs of a packed audience by yielding place to Simeon, did Dartrey appear.

It is an absolute certainty that Dartrey, if he chooses, may be the next Prime Minister. You might have been in Horlock's Cabinet but for an accident. It may be that you are destined to be in Dartrey's." Tallente found his thoughts playing strange pranks with him. No man appreciated the greatness of Dartrey more than he.

In half an hour he was on his way to see him. Tallente had the surprise of his life when he was shown into Dartrey's little dining room. A late breakfast was still upon the table and Nora was seated behind the coffee pot. She took prompt pity upon his embarrassment. "You've surprised our secret," she exclaimed, "but anyhow, Stephen was going to tell you to-day.

'To Nesta herself? not any: not to a girl like your girl. 'To my girl's name? Speak at once. But I know she has. She induced Nesta to go to her house. My girl was insulted in this woman's house. Dartrey's forehead ridged with his old fury and a gust of present contempt.

None of your milk-pail looks; show us jaw, you bulldogs. Now then, left from the shoulder, straight at right of head. Good, and alacrity called on vigour in Skepsey's pupil; Dartrey's had the fist on his mouth before he could parry right arm up. 'Foul blow! Dartrey cried. Skepsey vowed to the contrary. Dartrey reiterated his charge. Skepsey was a figure of negation, gesticulating and protesting.

She is young: I could kneel to her. Do you know a Major Worrell? 'Worrell? no. 'He is a-calls himself a friend of my of Captain Marsett's. He met us out one day. 'He permitted himself to speak to Miss Radnor? She rejoiced in Dartrey's look. 'Not then. First let me tell you. I can hardly tell you. But Miss Radnor tells me you are not like other men. You have made your conclusions already.

Then a woman whom I met in the Lyceum Chub this afternoon asked me outright if there was any truth in certain rumours about Tallente, so people must be talking about it." The cloud lingered on Dartrey's face. He ate and drank in his usual sparing fashion, silently and apparently wrapped in thought.

Tallente was scarcely surprised when Dartrey's entrance alone indicated the fact that, as was generally supposed, he was free from family ties. "I am a little early, I am afraid," Tallente remarked, as they shook hands. "Admirably punctual," the other replied. "I shall make no apologies to you for my small party.

"A great deal depends upon that," Tallente replied. "Miller himself says that it is a certainty. On the other hand, Saunderson is going to be proposed, and, with Dartrey's influence, should have a pretty good backing." They travelled on in silence for a short time.

Nesta dived into her father's brilliancy of appreciation, a trifle pained by Dartrey's aristocratic air when he surveyed the herd of heads agape and another cheer rang round. He smiled with her, to be with her, at a hit here and there; he would not pretend an approval of this manner of winning electors to consider the country's interests and their own.