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"There is no mistake," asked Danvers, halting; "an Italian gentleman named Cesarini lodges here?" "Yes, sir, poor cretur I sent for you to come to him for says I to my boy, says I " "Whom do you take me for?" "Why, la, sir, you be's the doctor, ben't you?"

"I'd run the craft five times the distance, under water, and hit the harbor without thought of an accident," spoke young Benson, seriously, and with no thought of boasting. "Jove, my young friend, if you can do a thing like that, you're a genius at the work," muttered Danvers, after a swift, side glance at Skipper Jack. "I've done as much before," laughed Jack.

The Swampscott fishermen still relate How a strange sea-monster stole thair bait; How their nets were tangled in loops and knots, And they found dead crabs in their lobster-pots. Poor Danvers grieved for her blasted crops, And Wilmington mourned over mildewed hops. A blight played havoc with Beverly beans, It was all the work of those hateful queans!

The latter made a scientific little bow, elaborated evidently by long practice, expressive at once of gratification and humility. "A privilege, if such it be, dear Mrs. Danvers, that some of my congregation estimate but very lightly. You would hardly believe how many members of my flock I scarcely know, except by name. It is a sore temptation to discouragement.

There was, in truth, a goodly inpouring of people, and fully a dozen of these new-corners seemed to be trying to talk at the same time. "Perhaps they're coming to make a row about having so much gun-cotton stored close to the village," hinted Lieutenant Danvers. The same thought was in Captain Jack Benson's mind.

You know we are told in the Bible to `bear one another's burdens." "True, my dearest wife; but the same high authority, if I remember rightly, bids us do our own business first. But what has entailed such an enormous amount of correspondence on Miss Danvers?" "Only her anxiety to do good. She is secretary to some half-dozen ladies' societies for meeting all sorts of wants and troubles. Ah!

Whence it came that she had some of her wildest seizures of iridescent humour. Danvers attributed the fun to her mistress's gladness in not having pursued her bent to quit the country.

So Jack came aboard, and took his place quietly beside Lieutenant Danvers. "Mr. Rhinds," began Captain Magowan, solemnly, "a torpedo only just barely missed striking the 'Hastings' a while ago. We have evidence that your craft was pointing nose-on to the 'Hastings, just before the torpedo appeared by the Pollard craft."

"I have to offer the explanation that Your Majesty is served in London by cowards; self-sufficient and self-important cowards who have hindered me in my task instead of helping me. I refer particularly to Colonel Danvers." Grey interrupted him. "You have a rare effrontery, sir aye, by God! Do you dare call Danvers a coward?" "It is not I who so call him; but the facts.

There were only three sons living in 1653; the others died young, one laying down his life for the King at Hartland in Devonshire, in some skirmish, we must now suppose, of which no trace remains. Of those living, Sir John, the eldest son and the first baronet, married his cousin Eleanor Danvers, and lived in Gloucestershire during his father's life.