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Robert, if that foxy old dame's comin' down here with Miss Vee, I'm well, I don't stand for it, that's all! I'm off; with a blue ticket or without one, just as you say." I was reachin' for my new lid too, when Mr. Robert puts out his hand. "Wouldn't that be er rather a serious breach of office discipline?" says he. "Surely, without some good reason "

When put in particular good-humour by the warmth of their lodgings, and the tidiness of the house-maids, they will overcome their natural laziness, and do a vast deal of household work before morning; churning the cream, brewing the beer, or spinning all the good dame's flax.

They were courteous, however, for the Earl Richard of Warwick insisted on civility to all comers, and they respected the scallop- shell on the dame's hat. They greeted her good-humouredly. "Ha, good-day, good pilgrim wife. Art bound for St. Paul's? Here's supper to the fore for all comers!"

And for you, Sir Piercie Shafton," continued Christie, "you will judge for yourself, whether secrecy and safety is not more your object even now, than soft beds and high cheer. And do not judge of the dame's goods by the semblance of her cottage; for you will see by the dinner she is about to spread for us, that the vassal of the kirk is seldom found with her basket bare."

The walls were tapestried with the story of St. Genoveva of Brabant, fresh and new on Mrs. Streatfield's marriage; there was a huge bed with green curtains of that dame's own work, where one might have said "Above, below, the rose of snow, Twined with her blushing foe we spread." so as to avoid all offence.

"We will meet and talk together again little mother, and when I depart I will ask you again whether you have not been deceived in me. Come now, Telemachus, the dame's birds seem to delight you very much." These words were addressed to Antinous, who had been going from cage to cage contemplating the feathered pets, all sleeping snugly, with much curiosity and pleasure.

He could not help smiling as he took up the cup and smelt it, seeing at the same time the old dame's pleasant earnest face a face that suddenly seemed to have become very loving, now he was to see it no more.

"But, after all, it would be a mockery on the old dame's part," said the young man, somewhat bitterly, "since she would thus hold the desired thing seemingly within our reach; but because she never tells us how to prepare and obtain its efficacy, we miss it just as much as if all the ingredients were hidden from sight and knowledge in the centre of the earth.

I then established myself in an old dame's house, where I earned my keep by professing a passion for her seventy years and her half-dozen remaining teeth, dentist's gold and all. However, poverty reconciled me to my task; even for those cold coffin kisses, fames was condimentum optimum.

She must make the butter and the cheese, grind the wheat in the quern, make and bake the bread, and in all ways earn her livelihood hard enough. Moreover, the bowman's craft had she learned, and at the dame's bidding must fare alone into the wood now and again to slay big deer and little, and win venison: but neither did that irk her at all, for rest and peace were in the woods for her.