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There she paused, and grasping a bead of the strange necklace between her fingers, repeated the old dame's charm: "'For love's sweet sake, in my hour of need, Blossom and deck me, little seed. "Immediately the bead burst with a little puff, as if a seed pod had snapped asunder. A faint perfume surrounded her, rare and subtle as if it had been blown across from some flower of Eden.

An old woman, clean in dress and comely in her person, came to the door, having, on either side of her, two youths evidently her sons, for their features bore a strong resemblance to her own; and between the lad on her right hand, and the dame's black gown, a large dog, mongrel in his breed, thrust his inquisitive nose.

I love justice well as well as you do But since the good dame's blind, she shall excuse me If, time and reason fitting, I prove dumb; The breath I utter now shall be no means To take away from me my breath in future. Old Play.

The troopers had flung down the tumblers "the bonny cut glasses that were fetched from Wexford" and shattered them on the pavement of the courtyard. Then they rode off without paying a penny, and when the mistress cried after them one man came back with his sword drawn in his hand, and she was fain to flee and hide herself. But the story of her own wrongs did not quench the good dame's curiosity.

"Hush, my darling; think of the children. Be firm. Be firm." "But it is too horrible." "Is this my dear wife speaking?" said Sir Godfrey, gravely, as he took his dame's hand. "Yes," said Lady Markham, excitedly. "Would you have me sit silent when such a demand is made?"

"There wasn't any school except a dame's school for very little children. I used to go twice a week to Father Langhorne and read and write and do sums." "Then we will have to educate you. Do you think you would like to go to school?" "I don't know." She hung her head a little, and it gave her a still more winsome expression. There was an indescribable charm about her.

Foreign words in the text annoyed her and made her bemoan her want of a classical education she had only attended a Dame's school during some easy months but she never passed the foreign words by until their meaning was explained to her, and when next she and they met it was as acquaintances, which I think was clever of her.

By Saint Michael of the Marketplace, you might as well call a black bullock's hide a white heifer's! "Hush! hush!" said Peter, with some presence of mind. "What if our 'master hath a mind to steal a piece of doe venison out of the Bishop's parks here, without our good dame's knowledge? And is it for thee or me to be a spy on him?"

All the rest was deduced from this intelligence by the dame's own imagination. After supper she was invited to interrogate Kit and Stephen, and her grief and anxiety found vent in fierce scolding at the misrule which had permitted such a villain as Fulford to be haunting and tempting poor fatherless lads.

On this I learnt from the venerable dame's lips that now I was indeed the old Margery, albeit Cousin Maud had of late denied it, and with good reason; and the old woman was right, inasmuch as that the more terrible and unconquerable the danger seemed, the more my courage rose and the greater was my spirit.