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Settle it among yourselves. Good-night." "And that's the man," said Flint, when the door shut, "that you want to bother with a dame's school row." "I was only pullin' your fat leg," Perowne returned, hastily. "You're so easy to draw, Flint." "Well, never mind that. The Head's knocked the First Fifteen to bits, and we've got to pick up the pieces, or the Old Boys will have a walk-over.

May herself, conscious of the change in the dame's manner, could scarcely tell why she had become so much more formal than she used to be, though she had too much confidence in the kind woman's love to suppose that it arose from any want of affection.

You would have liked her, everybody did, yet you would have thought that nature had failed in self-confidence for once, she was so pointedly designed to express the ancient dame's colour-scheme, even to the delicate auriferous down on her youthful cheek and the purse-proud look of her faintly retrousse nose; though in fact she never had had a purse and scarcely needed one.

"There, there, my child!" cried the matron, putting her arms about and raising the girl, so that the down bent head might find a resting-place on her bosom. "I did not mean to pain thee." "Oh, Lady Washington," sobbed Janice, as she threw her arms about the dame's neck, "I I am so miserable, an an and so happy!"

So saying, the good dame's tears gushed forth with the bitterness of a despairing Parisina. "Nay, nay," said Paul, who, though he suffered far more intensely, bore the suffering far more easily than his patroness, "we cannot mend the matter by crying. Suppose you see what can be done for me.

If she was an actual character the good dame's house probably stood where now the fine esplanade runs its straight course between Peak Hill and the Alma Bridge over the Sid. At the bridge the shingle bank baulks the stream from a clear course into the sea and usually forces it into an ignominious and green scummed pool that slowly filters through the stony wall.

Her grandson Hanno, who escaped with his life, at the bidding of his father Satabus, who revered his mother, had made his way to her amid great perils to convey the sorrowful news. Two of the best ships in the family had been sunk, and on one the brave Abus, Ledscha's betrothed husband, who commanded it, had lost his life; on the other the aged dame's oldest son and three of her grandchildren.

Luckily our good friend Captain Galsworthy was among the guests. He ever treated poor Becky with a sort of good-humored tolerance, and now, perceiving the shadow that crossed the lawyer's face, he broke in upon the dame's loquacity with a tremendous tirade against the captains who had behaved so treacherously towards Mr.

"But it's generally those who owe the most who have the most lordly mien." "You're right. I could point you out some of them up town as hasn't a shirt to their back, an' they look as they owned everythink the brazenest things!" The old dame's indignation waxed startling in its intensity. "But I was going to tell you about young Eweword. I've set me heart on him for Dawn.