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I fancied myself again engaged in all the pursuits of our much-loved home; I was playing the harp, you were accompanying on the piano as usual; we walked out in the shrubberies; we took an airing in the carriage; all the servants were before me; we went to the village and to the almshouses; we were in the garden picking dahlias and roses; I was just going up to dress for a very large dinner-party, and had rung the bell for Simpson, when I woke up, and found myself in a log-hut, with my eyes fixed upon the rafters and bark covering of the roof, thousands of miles from Wexton Hall, and half-an-hour longer in bed than a dairy-maid should be."

From this day forward I dine no more from home; your dinner, therefore, will be immortal, for history will relate that the last time Prince Kaunitz dined away from his own palace, he dined at that of the French ambassador." With this he bowed, and slowly left the room. Kaunitz remained true to his policy in the drama of "The Emperor and the Dairy-Maid." He allowed things to run their course.

"Do you hear what they say of you?" asked Fortune, the dairy-maid, of her partner. "I hear 'em," was Will Jackson's reply. "Won't you knock him down?" "I think not. Wouldn't be convenient to the Colonel." "I doubt you're chicken-hearted," replied she. "Think so?" said Will Jackson, quite calmly. "Well, you're a queer fellow!" said Fortune.

We called her the Princis Sharlot of Wales; and we valyoud a single drop of her blood more than the whole heartless body of her father. But heaven bless you! it was only souperstition. She was no better than she should be, as it turns out or at least the Dairy-maid says so. No better? if my daughters or yours was 1/2 so bad, we'd as leaf be dead ourselves, and they hanged.

In a moment she flounced back, red with shame and anger flounced forth from the fairest, whitest, dapperest dairy, wherein was all of the best that the keenest dairy-maid might need. The Duke bade her dry her eyes, for that it ill befitted a great lady to be weeping on her wedding-day.

Dolly Dutton, that is to be dairy-maid at Inverara; and they bring me on as far as Glasgo, whilk will make it nae pinch to win hame, whilk I desire of all things. May the Giver of all good things keep ye in your outgauns and incomings, whereof devoutly prayeth your loving dauter, "Jean Deans." The third letter was to Butler, and its tenor as follows: "Master Butler.

"I will ring the bell," she said, with a tender, reproachful sweetness and dignity, which conveyed without unkindness the severest rebuke tempered by womanly pity, and proceeded to instruct me in the nature and uses of the bell-rope, as she would any little dairy-maid who had heard only the chime of cow-bells all the days of her life.

Here is an ancient hall, within four miles, with an old knightly Pantaloon for its lord an all-be-ruffed Dame Barbara for the lady gay a Jesuit, in a butler's habit, to say grace an old tale of Edgehill and Worster fights to relish a cold venison pasty, and a flask of claret mantled with cobwebs a bed for you in the priest's hiding-hole and, for aught I know, pretty Mistress Betty, the dairy-maid, to make it ready."

"But I was so tired of Scotland," she said. "You do not know how I looked forward to London again. I must admit, though, that I was in better health there; I was quite ashamed of my dairy-maid appearance." "You have nothing to amuse you here," said Cairn tenderly; "no company, for Mr. Saunderson only lives for his orchids."

She goes by the name of Moll White, and has made the country ring with several imaginary exploits which are palmed upon her. If the dairy-maid does not make the butter come so soon as she would have it, Moll White is at the bottom of the churn. If a horse sweats in the stable, Moll White has been upon his back. If a hare makes an unexpected escape from the hounds, the huntsman curses Moll White.