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It threatened even to make him forget that he was for the moment Smarlinghue forget what, as Smarlinghue, Smarlinghue dare not forget the role he played. He leaned forward suddenly and caught up his whisky glass whose contents had previously and surreptitiously been spilled into the cuspidor on the floor beside his chair.

Dickens, the satire male portion of the American nation was at one time addicted, a cuspidor, in plain language, had been started, by some unknown agency in the back seats, rolling down the centre aisle, and gathering impetus as it went, bumped the louder on each successive step until it hurled itself with a clash against the clerk's desk, at the feet of the orator himself.

Hardy chuckled again, "'Ere comes one o' them Mounted Pleecemen, me dear, orl comb an' spurs, mark time in front there. . . !" And he emitted an imitation of a barnyard cackle. McCullough shot a glance at Redmond's face. "Can th' grief" he remarked unsympathetically, "you're fly enough usually . . . but you fairly asked for it that time." Hardy spat into a cuspidor with long-range accuracy.

Every den of gamblers, every low-down grogshop, every smoking-car, every public resort and waiting-room departments for men, every rendezvous of rogues, loafers, villains, and tramps is thoroughly saturated with the vile stench of the cuspidor and the poisonous odors of the pipe and cigar. "Rev. Dr. Cox abandoned tobacco after a drunken loafer asked him for a light."

The bartender nodded at the whisky glass, still level full of the amber liquor. "I was just wonderin' why yuh didn't down it." "Oh, yes," said Kid Wolf again. He picked up the glass between thumb and forefinger and deliberately emptied it into a handy cuspidor. "I leave that stuff to mah enemies," he said, smiling.

He was back in a minute, and took up his position near a sawdust-filled box that did duty as a cuspidor. "Now fire away," he said. "In the first place," I began, "do you remember the day the Washington Flier was wrecked below here?" "Do I!" he said. "Did Jonah remember the whale?" "Were you on the platform here when the first section passed?" "I was."

The station was only large enough to hold the stove, the ticket-office, and the inevitable cuspidor. There was barely room in which to walk between these and the wall. Miss Anthony sat down on the floor. I had a few raisins in my bag, and we divided them for breakfast. An hour passed, and another, and still the train did not come.

"That night I thought I would take a group at the dinner table, so we all assembled around the board. After knocking down a couple of pictures and upsetting the cuspidor, I got things all ready to light the fuse, expecting to get back to my chair and be in the picture before the stuff went off.

The horses had not been consulted. They leaned on each other and slept, dreaming of oats. The Budlong parlor was soon a hideous scene. The husband would open a bundle and sing out, "Who's this big immense pink and purple cuspidor for?" "That's a jardineer," Mrs. Budlong would gasp. "It's a return for that horrible cat those hateful Disneys are going to inflict on me. Here's the card."

I knowed we ought to 'a' got them wedges!" Hopalong exclaimed, petulantly, closing the bottom of the sheath. "Why, I won't have no gun left soon 'less I holds it in." The complaint was plaintive. "Must be filtering through the stopper," Johnny remarked. "But don't it sound nice, especially when it hits that brass cuspidor!"