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The snow was quite deep, the road was not well broken out, and she plodded forward with bent head, her black skirt gathering a crusty border of snow. She had to pass Richard Alger's house, but she never looked up. It was six o'clock, and quite dark; it had been dark when she set out at five.

Jog was very crusty at first, and did little but whip and flog the old horse, and puff and growl about being late, keeping people waiting, over-driving the horse, and so on. 'Have a cigar? at last asked Sponge, opening the well-filled case, and tendering that olive branch to his companion. 'Do you never smoke? asked Sponge. He did not like to say no, because Springwheat smoked, though Mrs.

He runs the crusty forefinger of his right hand up and down the board, adding, "and any customers are all of the first families, which is some consolation in one's poverty. Ah! I have it here!" he exclaims, with childlike exultation, frisking his fingers over the board. "One Yorick's skull-a time-worn, tenantless, and valuable relic, in which graveyard worms have banqueted more than once.

I did not wish this; although I was a crusty old bachelor I approved of girls, holding them the sweetest things the good God has made. I wanted Betty to have her full complement of girlhood in all its best and highest manifestation. Was there anything lacking?

He might have remembered that although Tennyson struck back at Christopher North, calling him rusty, crusty, and musty, yet the poet eliminated from later editions all blemishes which musty Christopher had pointed out. Streeter resolved to strike back with something more tangible than a sarcastic verse.

He was kept, to be sure, rather cross and crusty; but on the whole I could see he was excellently entertained, and that a lamb-like submission and turtle-dove sensibility, while fostering his despotism more, would have pleased his judgment, satisfied his common-sense, and even suited his taste less.

"Ah, but you are a crusty fellow, friend!" said the count. For sole reply Daniel gave him a shy, childlike, meek, and amiable smile. The old count went home, and Natasha and Petya promised to return very soon, but as it was still early the hunt went farther. At midday they put the hounds into a ravine thickly overgrown with young trees. Nicholas standing in a fallow field could see all his whips.

Oh, how silly you are to get crusty about things! I tell you, they're dirty brutes. Don't think any more about 'em. I I love you very much. Don't cry, and oblige your own little darling girl." And once in bed, she forthwith took Nana in her arms and soothed and comforted her.

The surgeon could do nothing for him, and had left him; but our old captain bless him for it I little expected, from his usual crusty bearing, to find him so employed had knelt by his side, and, whilst he read from the Prayer book one of those beautiful petitions in our Church service to Almighty God, for mercy to the passing soul of one so young, and so early cut off, the tears trickled down the old man's cheeks, and filled the furrows worn in them by the washing up of many a salt spray.

"My time was damned short after I found out that Lidgerwood wasn't coming on the passenger. But I managed to send word to Matthews and Lester, telling them to make sure of Williams and Bradford. We could spare both of them, if we have to." "Good!" said Flemister. "Then you had some such alternative in mind as that I have just been proposing?" "No," was the crusty rejoinder.