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He had found his detachment! Without slowing, he called, "Follow me!" The cruiser's safety officer had been keeping an eye on the clock, his forehead creased in a frown as he saw that only a few seconds remained to departure time. He walked to the valve opening and looked out. If his passengers were not in sight, he would have to reset the clock. Rip went through the valve opening at top speed.

He went up hand-over-hand despite the steepness of the stone. It looked almost impossible, but Dillon apparently found handgrips by instinct, as a good climber does. In a matter of minutes he vanished, some fifty feet up, behind a bulging mass of stone. He did not reappear. Coburn began to get his breath back. The girl looked at him, her forehead creased.

Then Henry abruptly thrust out his hand to be kissed, and as Ralph bent over it he was aware of the thick straight fingers, the creased wrist, and the growth of hair on the back of the hand. Ralph was astonished, and a little ashamed at his own excitement as he passed down the stairs again.

Boone's broad mouth was creased into a smile, and there was a trace of astonishment, too, in his kindly eye. "Mr. Boone came to my father's cabin on the Yadkin once," I said; "he taught me to skin a deer." "Ay, that I did," exclaimed Mr. Boone, "and I said ye'd make a woodsman sometime." Mr.

His legs were lost in the accurately creased, voluminous garments that were the tailors' canny reaction from the tight trousers with which the 'Eighties had begun: they were, in color, a palish russet, broadly striped with gray, and, in size, surpassed the milder spirit of fashion so far as they permitted a liberal knee action to take place almost without superficial effect.

He pulled up a pile of newspapers which had come in since their absence, sorted out one that was creased open, and handed it to Steve. It was an announcement of Barbara Allison's engagement to the Hon. Archibald Wickersham that column to which Fat Joe had folded the sheet a many-days-old announcement, now. But the smile did not even stiffen upon Steve's lips.

I was told she used to steal off the chair the old clothes Barton used to wear by preference paddling along the winding creek in a canoe to his work each morning, his pants rolled up to the knees and put in their stead a new, nicely creased suit!

He opened the book as if it had been the coffin of his beloved, and there between the dusty pages lay a bit of blue ribbon, creased with the pages, and jagged on the edges because it had been cut with a jack knife. And lying smooth upon it in a golden curve a wisp of a yellow curl, just a section of one of Marilyn's, the day she put her hair up, and did away with the curls!

"So come, my dear girl, drop off your frock, as I shall mine, that the bundle of clothes may be out of the way, as well as to avoid their being creased." Seeing that Lizzie still trembled a little after she had dropped her gown, she took her in her arms, and kissing her lovingly, desired her not to be afraid she would not punish her much.

His gray sack suit with the trousers neatly creased and his smartly knotted tie proclaimed him a man of fashion: the newest and youngest member of the Madison faculty, who had introduced spats to the campus, was not more impressively tailored. "You said you had gone to a large college; and I said " "Oh, you hit me back straight enough!" laughed Harwood.