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"My horse is done for, signorina," cried the cabman. "It is marvellous that he Corpo di Baccho! It is a man!" Dubois felt that his feminine trappings were no longer a disguise, only a hindrance. He had torn off jacket, skirt, hat and wig.

"Corpo di Bacco!" he cried, and the exclamation rang in a note of something like terror against the cliffs and upon the ear of his companion. Yet no swift retribution stayed his steps; no shot rang out to arrest his progress. He leaped away, dodging and bounding like a deer to escape the expected bullet and then disappeared behind the boulder. But neither rascal delayed a moment.

She put out her hand instinctively and it clutched Mark Brendon's arm where he sat next to her. He looked at her and saw that her eyes were fixed with strange doubt and horror upon Doria; while the Italian himself showed a considerable amount of surprise at Peter's conclusion. "Corpo di Bacco! Then " he asked. "Then we may be said to enlarge the scope of the inquiry a good deal," answered Mr.

His accent was strongly marked, but his words were well chosen and civil enough, had his tone accorded with their sense. As it was, he might be deemed rude. Brett advanced. "Are you Signor Capella?" he inquired. "Mr. Capella. Yes." "Then you can, indeed, be of much assistance. This gentleman is Mrs. Capella's cousin, Mr. David Hume-Frazer." "Corpo di Baccho!"

"I kiss your hands, most illustrious: but I do not sit in an enemy's camp. Ha, my friend Zouch! How has your signoria fared since we fought side by side at Lepanto? So you too are here, sitting in council on the hanging of me." "What is your errand, sir? Time is short," said the lord deputy. "Corpo di Bacco! My lord deputy, I have but a few words.

When they vexed him, he would break out into expressions like the following: "Io son ito, da dodici anni in qua, tapinando per tutta Italia; sopportato ogni vergognia; patito ogni stento; lacerato il corpo mio in ogni fatica; messa la vita propria a mille pericoli, solo per aiutar la casa mia." They are generally full of good counsel and sound love.

"'Boccha chiusa, ed occhio aperto Non fece mai nissun deserto. "The closed mouth and the open eye, etc." "That's very true," said the doctor, much struck. "Very true. 'In boccha chiusa non c'entrano mosche. One can't swallow flies if one keeps one's mouth shut. Corpo di Bacco! that's very true indeed."

"Christopher Colombo the great Christopher Colombo. Well, what did he do?" "Discover America! discover America, Oh, ze devil!" "Discover America. No that statement will hardly wash. We are just from America ourselves. We heard nothing about it. Christopher Colombo pleasant name is is he dead?" "Oh, corpo di Baccho! three hundred year!" "What did he die of?" "I do not know! I can not tell."

The Catholic Venetian certainly understands that his Jewish fellow-citizen is destined to some very unpleasant experiences in the next world, but Corpo di Bacco! that is no reason why he should not be friends with him in this. He meets him daily on exchange and at the Casino, and he partakes of the hospitality of his conversazioni.

"What is this?" cried an amazed voice; and Harley, turning round, saw that the duke was by his side; and, glancing with ludicrous surprise, now to Harley, now to Violante, "Am I to understand that you " "Have freed you from one suitor for this dear hand, to become myself your petitioner!" "Corpo di Bacco!" cried the sage, almost embracing Harley, "this, indeed, is joyful news.