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And now, alone with him in the big room which had been converted into a temporary studio, she found herself overwhelmed by a feeling of intense self-consciousness. She felt it would be impossible to bear the coolly neutral gaze of those grey eyes for hours at a time. She wished fervently that she had never consented to sit for the picture at all.

"Bedad, I suppose there's no use in sending an apology when friends is so pressing," said he, buttoning his coat as coolly as possible; "but I hope you 'll let the master come in to see me." "Mr. Burke shall be admitted at all times," said Barton, with an obsequious civility I had never witnessed in him previously.

What's wrong? and what did you start for?" "Nothin'," replied Flanagan, coolly, "but a stitch in my side. I'm subject to that it pains me very much while it lasts, and laves me face, as you say, the color of dimity; but about Connor, upon my throth, I'm main proud to hear it; she's a purty girl, an' besides he'll have a fortune that'll make a man of him. I am, in throth, heart proud to hear it.

"Ask him when he means to go on," said Garth. Hooliam gave a glance at the still tossing lake. "As soon as the wind dies or changes. This wind would blow him right back on the shore," such the gist of his answer by way of Charley. "Tell him to let me know before he starts; and I'll tell him if we wish to go along," said Garth coolly.

Also, perhaps, when he came to judge his wife coolly, he may have discerned in her certain vices of education which made her unfit to second him in his schemes. A speech he made, a propos of Talleyrand's marriage, enlightened the Countess, to whom it proved that if he had still been a free man she would never have been Madame Ferraud. What woman could forgive this repentance?

"Nothing will give me greater joy than to offer her my most abject apology, Mr. Titus, unless it would be her unqualified forgiveness." "You'll have to withdraw everything you said." "I'll withdraw everything except my ultimatum in respect to her putting a foot outside these walls. That still stands." "I beg to differ with you." "You may beg till you're black in the face," said I coolly.

"You've got the best of me, sir," said Simpson, who did not know him. "Well, I rather think I have," coolly replied the stranger, whose words conveyed a double meaning, as we soon learned. We had all come to a halt by this time, and the strange horsemen had surrounded us. They were all armed with double-barreled shot guns, rifles and revolvers.

Having charged that the Jews were united "in a perfect phalanx" in support of Bolshevism, when confronted by Mr. Hard with the evidence that there are Jews at the head of the anti-Bolshevist forces, he coolly abandons his charge and insinuates another. He says: "Look how the Jews control every phase of political opinion in Russia!

"Yes, there's about a rijimint," Si answered coolly. "We'll need the most o' Co. Q to 'tend to them. Here they come." "Sergeant, what's all this disturbance you're kicking up in camp?" said Capt. McGillicuddy playfully, as he deployed Co. Q. "Can't you take a quiet walk out into the country, without stirring up the whole neighborhood?"

"Ah, a straight flush, queen high." Coolly he laid his cards on the table. "Thought you might have had the ace," he said, languidly, leaning back in his chair. He, too, held a straight flush, but with the king. Rouleau gazed thunderstruck. "Mort Dieu!" he exclaimed, excitedly. "The deal was from you." "Mine," said De Lacy, quietly, looking up at the excited Frenchman.