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Cohen retired behind a screen, and Lee was conscious that from the other side of it the whole family of Cohens were taking his measurements. He approved of their efforts to protect the owner of the cup, but not from him.

Old Sir Francis, the father, had been much the greatest of all the historians of early England, the only one who was un-English; and the reason of his superiority lay in his name, which was Cohen, and his mind which was Cohen also, or at least not English. He changed his name to Palgrave in order to please his wife.

Cohen, wishing to make amends for the check on his customer's natural desire to know more of him and his. "But you understand silver-work, I see." "A little," said Deronda, taking up the clasps a moment and laying them down again.

The moneys referred to by the Moors are the custom dues, which are collected by a separate department, and transmitted direct, to the Emperor. Whilst residing at Mogador, Mr. Cohen arrived from Morocco, where he had been with the merchants. He is the English Jew who assisted Mr. Davidson in his travels through Morocco.

Cohen was a droll customer, the revenue officers thought, and the longer they chatted with him the droller he became. First and last they drew from him what they considered to be some very important information. But most important of all was the report of the arrest of Teague Poteet. The deputies congratulated themselves.

Again the door banged explosively, and Mr. Cohen was gone. For ten minutes there was an awed silence in the sample room. At length Abe looked at his partner with a sickly smile. "Well, Mawruss," he said, "you made a nice mess of it, ain't you?" Morris was too stunned to reply. "That's what comes of not minding your own business," said Abe.

"Torchy is going to tell a story." Course, that gets me pinked up like the candle shades and I shakes my head vigorous. "Hear, hear!" says Mr. Robert. "Oh, do!" adds Mrs. Ellins. As for Vee, she looks across at me doubtful. "I hope it isn't that one about a Mr. Cohen who played poker all night," says she. "Wrong guess," says I. "It's one I overheard at Mr.

Billy Durgin told me that Cohen and James Walsingham Price left on the night train going East. Billy noticed that Cohen seemed morose, and heard him exclaim something that sounded like "Goniff!" under his breath, as Price turned away from him after a brief chat. For Little Arcady the appalling wonder was still to dawn.

Leo Cohen." "We cut everything half in two to make room for our new stock. Herman Mann." "Linens at less than cost. Jacob Straus." A new bank and trust company were opened and the old bank, The Harlan National, doubled its capital stock.

Cohen kept on his own hat, and took no notice of the visitor, but stood still while the two children went up to him and clasped his knees: then he laid his hands on each in turn and uttered his Hebrew benediction; whereupon the wife, who had lately taken baby from the cradle, brought it up to her husband and held it under his outstretched hands, to be blessed in its sleep.