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At any rate, he made his way into the forest by guess-work, aided by reminiscence. I believe he was accustomed to aver that he "knew where she was very well," and that he took a straight line to her. I have seen Knapp Forest and doubt it. He did, however, find himself in the dark spaces of the wood and there, sure enough, he did also see the women with whom his Mabilla had once been co-mate.

Thank you all, my 'very worthy and approved good masters, and a fair harvest to you!" He bowed them away, in a dignified and graceful manner, still standing on the hay-cart. The honest folk trooped off, having no more time to waste, and left the field in possession of Mr. Charles, his co-mate, and ourselves; whom I do not think he had as yet noticed. He descended from the cart.

His nomad "barefoot brigade," picturesquely encamped, is surrounded with a sort of terribly majestic halo in these vast stretches of country, a background against which their sombre silhouettes are set off. From the perfumed steppes to the roaring sea, they conjure up to the eye of their old co-mate the enchanting Slavic land of which they are the audacious offsprings.

I congratulate you on the acquisition of a congenial co-mate, and the accession to our society of one who, I now venture to say, will never disgrace the glorious foundation; but who, on the contrary, with heaven's blessing and the aid of his own good palate, will, it is hoped, add to our present knowledge of flavours by the detection of new ones, and by illustrations drawn from frequent study and constant observation of the mysterious naere.

How d'ye do, Grey?" burst from a knot of unhappy fellows, who would have felt quite delighted had their newly arrived co-mate condescended to entertain them, as usual, with some capital good story fresh from town. But they were disappointed. "We can make room for you at the fire, Grey," said Theophilus "I thank you, I am not cold."

In this sense, and I believe because he began his major novel-writing about 1850, whereas the other began fifteen years before, Thackeray is more modern, more of our own time, than his great co-mate in fiction.

'Rest here, my sweetest: I must rouse our men, and see how fortune speeds. So saying, and tripping lightly over many a sleeping form, he touched Benaiah. 'So! my brave captain of the guard, still napping! Come! stir, stir. Benaiah jumped up with a cheerful face. 'I am ever ready, Sire. 'I know it; but remember I am no more a king, only a co-mate. Away with me, and let us form some order.

'Is Olinthus, thy co-mate in the prison as the trial. 'What! he whom they call the Atheist? Is it the injustice of men that hath taught thee to deny the providence of the gods? 'Alas! answered Olinthus: 'thou, not I, art the true Atheist, for thou deniest the sole true God the Unknown One to whom thy Athenian fathers erected an altar. It is in this hour that I know my God.

The spirit of it is here, not in that subtler nature only that yet, perhaps, subtler, calmer, stronger nature, in which 'blood and judgment were so well co-mingled' so well, in such new degree and proportion, that their balance made a new force, a new generative force, in history not in that one only, the one in whom this new historic form is visible and palpable already, but in the haughtier and more unbending historic attitude, at least, of his great 'co-mate and brother in exile. It is here in the form of the great military chieftain of that new heroic line, who found himself, with all his strategy, involved in a single-handed contest with the state and its whole physical strength, in his contest with that personal power in whose single arm, in whose miserable finger-joints, the state and all its force then lay.

He had given his fancy food in his long solitude, and with its wild co-mate; and being somewhat disappointed in the result, the living world became to him a fairer prospect than it had seemed while the world of imagination was untried. Nothing more confirms the health of the mind than indulging its favourite infirmity to its own cure.