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It was so deep that whoever went over there had done so by floating or swimming. The crossing was so far above the point where the cascades began, that nothing was to be feared from them. The clumsiest raft could be ferried over by a child before it would drift into danger, while in case of swimming, the peril was still less.

The confidence and courage of the enemy; the amiability and assistance of the neutral; the zeal, sacrifice, and serenity of the home population; all were affected. The German cultivation of opinion began long before the war; it is still the most systematic and, because of the psychological ineptitude of the Germans, it is probably the clumsiest.

Check it." The Chief muttered, "Something whacky here ... come round, you! Okay, Joe." Joe had no time for reflection. He was in charge of the clumsiest operation ever designed for an exact result. The squadron went wallowing toward the sky. The noise was horrible. A tinny voice in his headphones: "You are at 65,000 feet. Your rate-of-climb curve is flattening.

And then there is the road going along just in the clumsiest way possible, up hill and down, through the water, and over the stones.

They leave London at five, and get to Dollington at half-past ten, and Driver never has them in sooner than twenty minutes past eleven! D d humbug! I'd undertake to take a dog-cart over the ground in twenty minutes. 'Is Larkin here? I asked. 'Oh, no run up to town. I'm so glad he's away the clumsiest dog in England nothing clever no invention only a bully the people hate him. Wealdon's my man.

There is hardly any animal more easily captured; for it will walk into the clumsiest of traps, and permit itself to be ensnared by a device at which an American rat would look with utter contempt. The steel trap 2-1/1 or 3 is most commonly used, being set in the haunts of the animal, and slightly scented with musk. See Fox and Beaver, for directions for skinning, stretching, etc., etc.

Nine-tenths of men's political energies must henceforth be wasted on expedients to piece out to patch or, in vulgar language, to tinker the political machine as often as it broke down. Such a system, or want of system, might last centuries, if tempered by an occasional revolution or civil war; but as a machine, it was, or soon would be, the poorest in the world the clumsiest the most inefficient

ONCE upon a time there was a youth called Moti, who was very big and strong, but the clumsiest creature you can imagine.

These gifts of May were now tastefully arranged, mixed with peacock-feathers, and placed in vases, and she was delighted to see even the clumsiest dishes win a graceful aspect from the garlands she twined around them. Adrian watched her in astonishment. He would not have marvelled if, under her hands, the dark dining-room had been transformed into a hall of mother-of-pearl and crystal.

But I can't take good money for bad work, Mr. Lyne, and if you will be advised by me, you will drop this stupid scheme for vengeance which your hurt vanity has suggested it is the clumsiest kind of frame up that was ever invented and also you will go and apologise to the young lady, whom, I have no doubt, you have grossly insulted."