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Florence Grace looked back impatiently perhaps suspiciously also and saw Miss Allen coming on with docile haste. So that ended the interview which Miss Hallman had meant to be so impressive. A lot of nonsense that left a laugh behind and the idea that Miss Allen at least did not disapprove of harassing claim-jumpers.

"From what our scouts report, up on the Trail, we're going to have such a time, if we remain here, that we may not have another good opportunity to escape with our lives," returned the distracted man. "Oh dear me! Can't we start now? I never want to see any claim-jumpers again!" cried Barbara, wringing her hands. "Keep quiet, Bob! We'll do just as Mr.

But let those claim-jumpers camp on our grounds first, and we-all may have to use gun-persuasion to move them on to safer ground." "Dear me, I think it is going to be more fun than a movie-picture play in the filming!" exclaimed Eleanor, her eyes shining with excitement. "I hope we won't have the same kind of gun-play that we see in the wild-west films," hinted Anne Stewart, hitherto a listener.

The next and the last stop, was away down on Section Thirty-five two miles farther. I was feeling rather warnble-cropped, because of the memory of that poor fellow with the tar in his eyes but I went all the same. There was a little streak of light in the east when we got to the place, but we could not at first locate the claim-jumpers.

They will not only let you take a squint at what you think is a mine, but they will pay you to remain and help arrest all the claim-jumpers who are already on the way." Even as he spoke, Mr. Brewster saw the sly move of Hank as he tried to pull his gun from the holster; instantly a hand came from the rancher's pocket and brought to light a cocked revolver.

"Keeping off claim-jumpers and guarding the cave from miners who would steal the gold as fast as they could pick it, or blow it out of the rock, is more concern for us than any other problem, at present." "Well, we won't lack for excitement if all you fear is justly founded, eh?" laughed Eleanor, plainly showing how thoroughly she was enjoying the experience and its promised thrills.

They were coming, one behind the other, singly, round the corner of the house, and as they emerged into view on the level platform in front of it Talbot looked them over and saw at a glance to what order they belonged. "As tough a crowd of claim-jumpers as I have seen," he murmured to himself as he watched their movements.

At the expiration of the thirty days, the claim-jumpers took possession, and soon cleared out the pocket, which yielded twenty thousand dollars. It was one of the most fortunate accidents in Mark Twain's career.

That's why I got a possé to guard the place. I reckon, now, Hank, that your boss sent you-all on to help we-all up yonder, eh?" laughed Mr. Brewster, tantalizingly, as he recognized Hank to be the clerk at the filing office in Oak Creek. The man Hank laughed also, but a discordant note rang through his forced merriment. "We-all ain't claim-jumpers, Mr.

"Fust thing is to oust those thar claim-jumpers yonder, for the good of the camp, an' to put the little lady in possession. Get yore tools an' weapons, boys, an' come on." With a great shout the crowd rushed hither-thither; and away they all went, streaming through the valley, laden with picks and spades and crow-bars and guns, hustling Mr. and Mrs. Motte and Mr.