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I took out the cigars that were on top, and when I got to the bottom of the box I crossed a couple and took the cigars, and you could not tell that any had been taken out. That was the beginning of my stealing. The cigars were not missed, and I thought how easy it was, but this beginning proved to be just a stepping-stone to what followed.

On the second day after my committal, Percy Anderson brought up himself to the Old Capitol, a package containing cigars, books, newspapers, &c., which, he was told, would be transmitted to me "right away." I trust that the contents satisfied the critical tastes of the officer on guard; for from his clutches no fragment emerged.

He got a good salary, too; but he spent most of it on cigars and billiards. Now, how can I be sure you will pay me your board regular?" "We'll pay it every week in advance," said Dick, promptly. "Them's our best references," and he produced his bank-book, showing a deposit of over one hundred dollars to his credit in the savings bank, motioning at the same time to Fosdick to show his.

The space was filled with English and Germans handing one another cigars. At night we sang carols." The author of the letter is Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, a captain of the reserves and Prussian "Landrat," obviously a kinsman of the late diplomatist and Ambassador in London. He wrote on October 18 from the trenches. He said:

There he was as a fact, as a by-product of the system that heaped my cousins with trinkets and provided the comic novels and the abundant cigars and spacious billiard-room of my uncle's house. I couldn't disconnect him and them. My uncle on his part did nothing to conceal the state of war that existed between himself and his workers, and the mingled contempt and animosity he felt from them.

"He earned five hundred marks on Saturday." The old gentleman frowned, but Fritz, not noticing it, continued, "and he found a cousin of my father, who lives in England." "Indeed! Then if your dog has such keen scent as to reach to England, perhaps he will go a step farther and tell us whether the old man in the moon smokes cigars or a pipe." "But I am telling you the truth!" insisted Fritz.

"Nora is studying a new opera, and Molly-O is ragging the village dressmaker. It's only half after ten, and we can whack 'em around until noon. I warn you, I'm something of a shark." "I'll lay you the cigars that I beat you." "You're on!"

For some time he had given up smoking; but now, as a sort of celebration of his plan, he opened his cigar case, and finding two cigars left, took one out and lighted it. "By Jove," he said to himself, "thieving is a nice come-down, I must say! But a man has to live, and I'm sick of charity sick of it. I've had enough."

Van Bibber put on his great-coat and told the man to bring around the dog-cart; then he filled his pockets with cigars and placed a flask of brandy under the seat, and wrapped the robes around his knees. "I feel just like a relief expedition to the North Pole. I think I ought to have some lieutenants," he suggested.

"Oh! you gets used to it though, to be sure, they don't 'it me very often, or it would be a loss; cigars is expensive leastways they costs money." "But surely a wooden image would serve your turn just as well." "A wooden image!" exclaimed the man disgustedly. "James! you must be a fool, you must!