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"Good evening," I replied, putting out my hand. But he either did not see it, or did not choose to see it, and, slightly lifting his hat, stepped out upon the platform. Having done this, he moved slowly away, and mingled with the departing crowd. Leaning forward to watch him out of sight, I trod upon something which proved to be a cigar-case.

That was the last which the British Parliament saw of its new member for Westminster. Melmotte as soon as he reached home got into his own sitting-room without difficulty, and called for more brandy and water. Between eleven and twelve he was left there by his servant with a bottle of brandy, three or four bottles of soda-water, and his cigar-case.

"Nothing beyond the fact that I hope to satisfy you that the case is mine." Marley stared open-mouthed at David for a moment, and then relapsed into his sapless official manner. He might have been a detective cross-examining a suspected criminal. "Why this mystery?" David asked. "I have lost a gun-metal cigar-case set with diamonds, and I see a similar article is noted as found by the police.

He came to the conclusion that he did not feel sociable. He wanted to think. A cigar on the terrace would meet his needs. He went up to his room for his cigar-case. The window was open. He leaned out. There was almost a full moon, and it was very light out of doors. His eye was caught by a movement at the further end of the terrace, where the shadow was.

He looks up and down the now-deserted galleries, fumbles in his pockets for his cigar-case, bites off with nervous clip the end of a huge "Regalia," strikes a light, and before the flame is half applied to his weed throws it away, then turns sharply and strides out of sight towards the office.

Afterward, the young man found a cigar-case, and his own box of Turkish cigarettes; and still the special was going at the same slow cow-gallop up the canyon. "How many are there of you up ahead?" asked Adair, when Barclay's cigar was going like a factory chimney. "Only Williams and his fireman." "Dinner-buckets?" "No; neither one of 'em, as it happens.

Varenka was standing at the door, dressed in a yellow print gown, with a white kerchief on her head. "I'm coming, I'm coming, Varvara Andreevna," said Sergey Ivanovitch, finishing his cup of coffee, and putting into their separate pockets his handkerchief and cigar-case. "And how sweet my Varenka is! eh?" said Kitty to her husband, as soon as Sergey Ivanovitch rose.

Sipiagin glanced at him once or twice over his clean-shaven cheek, and with a pompous deliberation pulled out of a side-pocket a silver cigar-case with a curly monogram and a Slavonic band and offered him... really offered him a cigar, holding it gently between the second and third fingers of a hand neatly clad in an English glove of yellow dogskin. "I don't smoke," Paklin muttered. "Really!"

"And 'avoid talkative people. Curious, very," observed Mr. Cottrell, as he put down the cigar-case, wondering not a little who gave the commission, and for whom the case was originally intended; but he of course refrained from further inquiry. The more Lady Mary heard of this water party, the more determined she was to attend it.

What time he was losing! But, when you expect a service from a man, you must, at least, flatter his weak side. He did not spare praise, therefore. He even pulled out his cigar-case, and, still with a view to win the great man's good graces, he offered it to him, saying, "Can I offer you one?" "Thanks! I never smoke," replied Goudar. And, when he saw the astonishment of the advocate, he explained,