United States or Aruba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His flighty thoughts flew off in a moment from the young lady to his cigar-case; and he walked away to the hearth-rug, twisting up a piece of waste paper into a lighter as he went.

After dinner he strolled nonchalantly to the sideboard and opened a box of the deceased's cigars, and suggested that, as he was well acquainted with the brand, having often enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. Moze's cigar-case, he should smoke a cigar now to the memory of the departed. Miss Ingate then began to feel alarmed.

He ate his dinner almost in silence, and then said he had to make a call on a friend, and that he would perhaps drop in to the club on his way home, so that she was not to sit up for him. She was not surprised or hurt at the announcement. She was accustomed to spend her evenings alone. She fetched down his cigar-case, put it in his top-coat pocket and brought him the coat.

The stranger purchased the case, and asked for it to be sent to the Metropole to 'John Smith. With the hundreds of letters and visitors there it would be almost impossible to trace the case or the man." "Lockhart's might help you?" "They have as far as they can. The cigar-case was sold to a tall American. Beyond that it is impossible to go." A meaning smile dawned on Merritt's face.

I said, as he went round behind and opened the cigar-case, "what's up?" He took out two boxes of the finest five-centers in town and placed them before me. "Them's up," he said. "You win. Have one." It staggered me to have him give in that way; I had been looking forward to a long and diverting dispute.

"Hardly, General! but something enormous." "Yes, I have always said it would be. Have a cigar?" He handed his cigar-case to the brigadier.

Of course the ultimate sale of the cigar-case to this American could be proved, seeing that the case had got back into stock again, and at the same time the incident of the change quite forgotten. And when you go and ask questions at Lockhart's as you were pretty sure to do, as Henson knew you are told of the sale only to the American.

Brown produced from his cigar-case a letter addressed in a bold round hand, and read as follows: "What a curious coincidence! A few of us were discussing this very subject last night in Millicent Hightopper's rooms, and I may tell you at once that our decision was unanimous in favour of soldiers. You see, my dear Selkirk, in human nature the attraction is towards the opposite.

After this pretty exchange of compliments, the governor smiled, and offered her his arm to the door, where our 'char a bans' awaited us. So impressed was the bookmaker with the hospitable reception the governor had given us, that he offered him his cigar-case with its contents, said he hoped they would meet again, and asked his excellency if he thought of coming to Australia.

The window commanded the view of the paddock in which the worn-out hunter or the unbroken colt grazed at will. On the mantelpiece lay a cigar-case, a well-worn volume on the Veterinary Art, and the last number of the Sporting Magazine.