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"Rob 'im? Rob my frand?" Lopez repeated. "Ain't you?" Uncle Henry cried. The bandit looked at him, wonder in his eyes. "No! Ciertamente no!" "Hooray!" the old man yelled, and would have risen in his chair could he have done so. "Say, who the 'ell is that?" said Lopez, addressing himself to Gilbert. "He's my uncle," young Jones answered. "Uncle?" the bandit said, unbelieving.

He leaned close to Lucia, who had not ventured to move, "Did you ever know the joy of fierce leeving? Did you?" But she did not reply. Instead, it was the impetuous Angela who answered him: "Yes. I mean, no!" Lopez turned and scowled at her. "I was not spik to you," he said. "You weren't!" Angela looked her surprise. "Ciertamente no!" the bandit said. Angela was hurt.

DOÑA MATILDE. No; ciertamente que no ... con todo hay ocasiones en que uno debe estar tan absorbido, que necesariamente olvida cosas tan vulgares como el almorzar y el comer. A lo menos yo hablo por , y puedo asegurar a usted que ni siquiera ha pasado esta mañana por mi cabeza el que había cacao en Caracas. ¡Ay, Eduardo, está usted demasiado tranquilo!

DON EDUARDO. Nada más natural, ciertamente. DON PEDRO. Y llevan también libro de entradas y salidas como si hubieran sido toda su vida horteras. DON EDUARDO. Así, Sr. D. Pedro, usted habrá ya observado.... DON PEDRO. , señor, ya que usted está muy prendado de mi Matilde. DON EDUARDO. Entonces advinará usted también que el objeto de mi visita es....

Lucia brought out. "Sure!" laughed Pancho. Could she have heard aright? "You do?" she cried, and her cheeks took on an ashen hue. "Ciertamente!" the bandit stated, as though they were talking of the weather. "You capture ze preesoner. You 'ave no jail to put 'im in. You pack him around wiz you. If you let 'im go, 'e come back to fight you again. So you kill him. Eet is very simple."

DOÑA MATILDE. No digo que no ... y yo agradezco a usted infinito el que me quiera ... ciertamente es una preferencia que me debe lisonjear mucho, y que ... sin embargo, esto de casarse no es jugar a la gallina ciega, y no es extraño que yo me arredre y titubee, y.... DON EDUARDO. Bien sabe Dios, Matilde, que no entiendo....

It was labeled "Conglomerate sandstone." I picked up another: it had the same label. "Then you are really collecting?" I said, with astonishment. "Ciertamente," responded Enriquez, "what other fool shall I look? I shall relate of this geology when I shall have found this beast of a bottle. Ah, here he have hide!"