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Her Madame Ref is quite a noted cat, but Mrs. Wilcox's favorite and the handsomest of all is named Banjo, a gorgeous chinchilla and white Angora, with a silken coat that almost touches the floor and a ruff, or "lord mayor's chain," that is a finger wide. His father was Ajax, his mother was Madame Ref, and Mrs. Wilcox raised him. She has taught him many cunning tricks.

To produce the greatest sneeze that was ever heard in the valley of the Mississippi, give us, then, a man who is called a "sawed-off" by those who love him a very thick, very short, very tobaccofied, strong man in cavalry pants, with a jacket of the heaviest chinchilla a restless, oathful, laconic, thirsty, never-drunk "editor." It is a man after the sailor's own heart.

'Do you? They wore sealskin coats, when it wasn't mink or chinchilla. They were driving downtown every day in their own closed cars to urge me to be content with the things of the spirit. And when I realized that No, I wasn't sore. I was just hep, that's all. "'I'll try Broadway, I said then. 'If there's nothing, after all, in this climb-though-the-rocks-be-rugged stuff, no great harm done.

As we passed some bare, treeless hills such as abound near Chinchilla, one of them the one, in fact, who had been at Loyola remarked to me: "This must remind you of your own country." I was dumbfounded. How could he identify those arid, parched, glinting rocks with the Basque landscape, with the humid, green, shaded countryside of Azpeitia?

I managed to avoid giving in to the temptation to snatch Phyl's sumptuous chinchilla coat, Madge's perfectly adorable hat, Theo's bronze shoes, Dot's embroidered silk handbag, and Bess's hand-wrought collar and cuffs." "It was a matter of clothes, then? How much heart-burning men escape!" mused Mr. Warne.

I know women who have a dozen sets of furs ermine, chinchilla, black fox, baby lamb, and mink and sable; and I know a man whose chauffeur quit him because he wouldn't buy him a ten-thousand-dollar fur coat! And once people used to pack their furs away and take care of them; but now they wear them about the street, or at the sea-shore, and you can fairly see them fade.

The little girl leaned forward at once, and kissed his firm, plump cheek. 'Thoo ith tho thoft, he said, and he stroked her cape and the chinchilla muff she was holding. 'I know thoo's a mouse. He said the 's' quite plainly, for his lisp was a very changeable one, and already he was on the way to lose it altogether. Everybody laughed. Ger liked the sound of the laugh it was not making fun of him.

"No," she said, with a laugh, "they simply think, for the present, that you're giving me pearls and chinchilla cloaks." He wrinkled his brows good-humouredly. "Well, so I would, with joy at this particular minute. Don't you think perhaps you'd better take advantage of it? I don't wish to insist but I foresee that I'm much too rich not to become stingy." She gave a slight shrug.

Before it was finished Rita was sitting bolt upright, her chinchilla robe thrown back, her hands clasped over her knee, her eyes alight with interest; and Margaret cried, "Oh, Peggy, Peggy, what a splendid story!" "Well, it's true!" said Peggy. "Of course it is; that's the splendid part. Oh, I am so proud to have an aunt so brave and strong.

Waugh, in her voluminous cloth cloak, fur tippet, muff, and wadded hood; Jacquelina, enveloped in several fine, soft shawls, and wearing a warm, chinchilla bonnet; and Dr.