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"I shall call you mon cher Gaston, and you well, you will call me your petite Liane Liane de Bourbriac will sound well, will it not?" "Yes. But why this masquerade?" I inquired. "I confess, mademoiselle, I don't understand it at all." "Dear Bindo does. Ask him."

It would be useless to attempt a race with only common cord-wood unless indeed the Belle be much the faster boat, which we do not yet know, as we have never tried her speed." Here appeared to be a dilemma, and some of the ladies regarded Mademoiselle Besancon with looks of displeasure. "Bacon hams!" she exclaimed; "bacon hams did you say, cher Capitaine? How many would be enough?

"Well, what sport?" "Pas mal, mon cher. Not so bad," is the reply, in a tone of ill-concealed triumph; and plunging his hand into his game-bag, the chasseur produces a phthisical snipe, a wood pigeon, an extenuated quail, and perhaps something which you at first take for a deformed blackbird, but which turns out to be a water-hen.

Then I said something to Jack about it being awfully good of him to have jumped into the "Cher" to fish Nina out, but I was very glad when he asked me to shut up, for Fred was looking more gloomy than ever, and I am sure that he, having seen Nina swimming heaps of times, thought the whole thing was thoroughly stupid.

Meantime Colonel Verdugo, royal governor of Friesland, whose occupation in those provinces, now so nearly recovered by the republic, was gone, had led a force of six thousand foot, and twelve hundred horse across the French border, and was besieging La Ferte on the Cher. The siege was relieved by Bouillon on the 26th May, and the Spanish veteran was then ordered to take command in Burgundy.

I can't understand a fellow feeling uncomfortable when he is sitting with people who are fond of him. It is unnatural, mon cher." "But what else is there to be done si je suis tant timide? You never blushed in your life, but I do at the least trifle," and he blushed at that moment.

I knew your voice was familiar to me; certainly it does remind me of Lebeau's." "Normans are like each other in many things besides voice and accent obstinacy, for instance, in clinging to ideas once formed; this makes them good friends and steadfast enemies. I would advise no man to make an enemy of Lebeau. "Au revoir, cher confrere. Do not forget to present me to Mademoiselle Cicogna."

"Over-suspicious or not," answered Randal, "the amount of the sum is too improbable, and the security too bad, for me to listen to this proposition, even if I could descend to " "Stop, /mon cher/. Business first, scruples afterwards. The security too bad; what security?" "The word of Count di Peschiera." "He has nothing to do with it, he need know nothing about it. 'T is my word you doubt.

What a word! What have you done? I assure you you've done nothing." "Qu'en savez-vous; all my life has been... cher... They'll remember everything... and if they find nothing, it will be worse still," he added all of a sudden, unexpectedly. "How do you mean it will be worse?" "It will be worse." "I don't understand."

As a matter-of-fact I was in an awkward position, for my mother had written to Jack Ward to thank him for pulling Nina out of the "Cher," and to say that she would be very glad if he could come down sometime to stay with us.