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"If I missed doing anything that could make me as hateful to her as she made herself to me " She checked herself, and began to laugh. Her laugh broke, and the tears started into her eyes; she ran out of the room, and up the stairs. "What what does it mean?" asked Irene in a daze. Mrs. Lapham was still in the chilly torpor to which Mrs. Corey's call had reduced her.

His peremptory orders, with the universal excitement produced in the neighbourhood, at last checked the course of the outrage, and the accused persons were remanded to prison, where they remained till liberated by the Pacification of Ghent.

She caught herself humming and checked herself reproachfully. She caught herself singing and lowered it to humming. She caught herself whistling and decided that she might as well be cheerful while she waited for fate to befriend her and Jack. And she found that she thought about him none the less steadfastly for thinking hopefully.

When she would have shown him into the kitchen, he took her by the arm, and leading her to the ben-end, at once began his concocted speech. Scarcely had she gathered his meaning, however, when he was checked by her startled look.

Now look ye, madam, rather will I hang unjustly, rather will I endure again the shame of the lash aye by God's light, rather will I rot in chains or perish of plague than take my life at your hands. So now, madam, I'll out of this perfumed nest and hang if I must!" saying which I turned to the door, but she checked me with a gesture. "Stay!" she commanded, "Would you shame me?"

In the current of that repaid curiosity on which she had lately been floating, which had conveyed her to this beautiful old England and might carry her much further still, she often checked herself with the thought of the thousands of people who were less happy than herself a thought which for the moment made her fine, full consciousness appear a kind of immodesty.

But what had briefly checked his assent to any present, to any positive making of mystery what had made him, while they stood at the top of the stairs, demur just long enough for her to notice it was the sense of the resemblance of the little plan before him to occasions, of the past, from which he was quite disconnected, from which he could only desire to be.

A trifling circumstance, but which marked the perturbed state of his mind, checked his course. "Your bonnet, father?" said Jeanie, who observed he had come out with his grey hairs uncovered.

In such manner mounted, sword in hand, shield behind him clad in beautiful gold-washed chain mail, the very ideal of the immortal Emir who won Jerusalem from the Crusaders, and restored it to Allah and the Prophet Mahommed made his first appearance in Sancta Sophia. Astonishment seized him. He checked his horse.

"Which way I didn't particularly notice " She was on the point of adding, "and I didn't particularly care," when she checked herself. "Yesterday and to-day, my lady, things have come to my knowledge which I must not keep to myself," the resolute woman continued. "If a servant may say such a thing without offence, I have never been so truly my mistress's friend as I am now.