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Chaos usurps the throne of liberty, and mind becomes at enmity with law. How many, many times the words of the poet have sung to my soul during the past twenty-six years: Eternal spirit of the chainless mind, Brightest in dungeon’s liberty thou art, For there thy habitation is the heart, The heart, which love of thee alone can bind.

So wonderful in equalizing all states and all times in the varying tide of life, are these two rulers yet levellers of mankind, Hope and Custom, that the very idea of an eternal punishment includes that of an utter alteration of the whole mechanism of the soul in its human state, and no effort of an imagination, assisted by past experience, can conceive a state of torture which custom can never blunt, and from which the chainless and immaterial spirit can never be beguiled into even a momentary escape.

And thou wert bound to me In the long-vanish'd Eld eternally! In the dark troubled tablets which enroll The Past my Muse beheld this blessed scroll "One with thy love my soul!" Oh yes, I learned in awe, when gazing there, How once one bright inseparate life we were, How once, one glorious essence as a God, Unmeasured space our chainless footsteps trod All Nature our abode!

He stigmatized baseness, hypocrisy, and injustice, whencesoever they sprang. Thus lived Byron, ceaselessly tempest-tossed between the ills of the present and his yearnings after the future; often unequal; sometimes sceptical; but always suffering often most so when he seemed to laugh; Never did "the eternal spirit of the chainless mind" make a brighter apparition amongst us.

Leave sunny imaginations hope. Let them picture union and a happy life. Wuthering Heights "That chainless soul," Emily Jane Brontë, was born at Thornton, Yorkshire, England, on August 30, 1818, and died at Haworth on December 19, 1848. She will always have a place in English literature by reason of her one weird, powerful, strained novel, "Wuthering Heights," and a few poems.

It was new, chainless, with as little as possible to catch in hurried riding, and in every way the best of its kind. Freckles went skimming around the trail on it on a preliminary trip before he locked it in his case and started his minute examination of his line on foot. He glanced around his room as he left it, and then stood staring. On the moss before his prettiest seat lay the Angel's hat.

Thou deathless sun, that circlest earth's huge ball, Be thou the messenger of my desires! Thou all-pervading, chainless breeze that sweep'st With lightning speed to earth's remotest bound, Oh, bear to him the yearnings of my heart.

What stronger testimony to the innate desire for liberty what Byron has described as "The eternal spirit of the chainless mind" than the fact that slaves who were the most indulgently treated, were constantly escaping from the easy and careless life they led to the hostilities and barbarities of the free States, and they never went back except under compulsion.

It is true that she kept her head above the stream, and that the failure of the material event did not frustrate or hinder her ultimate achievement. But Charlotte's was not by any means "a chainless soul". It struggled and hankered after the unattainable. What she attained and realized she realized and attained in her imagination only.

A father had toiled for years, to amass wealth for the purpose of introducing his daughter to society in England, and elevating her to a high station in that land. She married contrary to his wishes, and in his fiend-like disappointment, wrought up to insanity, he actually murdered the victim of his rage, his own child. Why will parents thus attempt to coerce the chainless affections?