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Sometimes it does and a day or so later you're back for the real raid. That works occasionally. Anyway it was the plan in this case." "How do you know?" "They'd started closing in for the grab in Ceyce when Quillan's group located you. So Quillan grabbed you first." She flushed. "I wasn't as smart as I thought, was I?" The Commissioner grunted. "Smart enough to give us a king-sized headache!

But she had been trained in communications, and the service cabinet was as simple as any gadget in its class could get. She punched in the ship's location diagram. The Dawn City was slightly more than an hour out of Ceyce Port, but it hadn't yet cleared the subspace nets which created interlocking and impenetrable fields of energy about the Maccadon System.

Lyad, beautifully wearing something which would have passed muster at the U-League's Annual Presidential Dinner in Ceyce, looked amused. It wasn't till the end of the second course that Trigger began to feel at ease again. After that she forgot, more or less, about the Beldon. The talk remained light during dinner.

So ... she'd get off the school grounds, take a tube strip into downtown Ceyce, step into a ComWeb booth, and call Grand Commerce transportation for information on the earliest subspace runs to Manon. She'd reserve a berth on the first fast boat out. In the name of let's see in the name of Birna Drellgannoth, who had been a friend of hers when they were around the age of ten.

Mantelish's garden in the highland south of Ceyce had a certain renown all over the Hub. It had been donated to the professor twenty-five years ago by the populace of another Federation world.

He made a detailed appraisal of the mirror image of the slim, green, backless, half-thigh-length sheath which had looked so breath-taking and seductive in a Ceyce display window. Trigger's eyes narrowed a little. The major had appraised the dress in detail before. "It's about as sharp a little outfit as you could get for around a hundred and fifty credits," he remarked.

There was a short pause. "How about slapping a guard on all Colonial school exits?" he suggested. "Can you send me an army?" "No." "Then forget it. She was a student here, remember? Last year a bunch of our students smuggled the stuffed restructured mastodon out and left it in the back garden of the mayor of Ceyce, just for laughs. Too many exits.

If somebody started checking for her by that method, it should take them a good long while to sort out hers. Next stop the Ceyce branch of the Bank of Maccadon. And it was lucky she'd done all her banking in Ceyce since she was a teen-ager, because she would have to present herself in person to draw out her savings. She'd better lose no time getting to the bank either.

Then there are a few nurses whom you don't like very much. Good nurses but frankly much too stupid for you, though you don't know that, and they don't either, naturally. Next, you're seven years old a bit over and there's a mud pond on the farm near Ceyce where you spend all your vacations. You just love that old mud pond." Trigger laughed. "A smelly old hole, actually!

It was the time of sunrise in Ceyce, the White City, placidly beautiful capital of Maccadon, the University World of the Hub. In the Colonial School's sprawling five-mile complex of buildings and tropical parks, the second student shift was headed for breakfast, while a larger part of the fourth shift moved at a more leisurely rate toward their bunks.