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He glanced suspiciously at the nearest customers, then looked down at what Trigger had written. He frowned. "You drawing out everything? Not leaving Ceyce for good, are you?" "No," Trigger said. "I'll be back. This is just a temporary emergency." That was all the explaining she had to do. Four minutes later she had her money.

Half a block from the shopping center, a row of spacers on planet-leave came rollicking cheerily toward her, uniform jackets unbuttoned, three Ceyce girls in arm-linked formation among them, all happily high. Trigger shifted toward the edge of the sidewalk to let them pass. As the line swayed up on her left, there was a shadowy settling of an aircar at the curb to her right.

But if she just kept quiet, there might be an opportunity to get back to Ceyce and the Dawn City by tomorrow evening. "Cigarette?" the Commissioner's overmuscled henchman inquired amiably. Trigger glanced at him from the side. Not amiably. "No, thanks." "No hard feelings, are there?" He looked surprised. "Yes," she said evenly. "There are."

"You go tell your guard Captain," she instructed them from the hall door, "there'll be a squad showing up in time for dinner tonight." The Federation Police Office in Ceyce informed Trigger that a Class A Battle Squad twenty trained men with full equipment would report for two months' duty at the Colonial School during the afternoon.

That's the game bird area before you." Mihul appeared in the doorframe, in an outfit almost a duplicate of Trigger's, in pearl-gray tones. "Feel all right?" "Feeling fine," Trigger said. Byla Uplands the southern tip of the continent. She could make it back to Ceyce in two hours or less! She turned and grinned at Mihul. "I also feel hungry. How long was I out?" Mihul glanced at her wrist watch.

Yes, the Dawn City was leaving Ceyce Port for the Manon System tomorrow evening. Yes, it was subspace express one of the newest and fastest, in fact. His eyes slipped over the dress again. Also one of the most luxurious, he might add. There would be only two three-hour stops in the Hub beyond Maccadon one each off Evalee and Garth.

The aircab she hired to take her to Ceyce had to be paid for in advance, which left her eighty-two crowns. As they went flying over a lake a while later, the bag with the sporting clothes and accessories was dumped out of the cab's rear window. It was just possible that the Space Scouts had been able to put that tracer material idea to immediate use.

In Ceyce a short two hours after she'd felled Mihul, Trigger called the interstellar spaceport and learned that the Dawn City was open to passengers and their guests. Birna Drellgannoth picked up her tickets and went on board, mingling unostentatiously with a group in a mood of festive leave-taking.

Trigger wasn't sure in just what section of the main continent they were; but there were only two or three alternatives it was high in the mountains, and night came a lot faster here than it did around Ceyce. She greeted Mantelish and sat down at the table. Then the Commissioner locked the doors and introduced her to the professor's pet. "It's labelled 113-A," he said now.

She couldn't see much more than a shifting piece of the sky line through the front view plate. Their own car seemed to be rising at a tremendous rate. They were probably, she thought, already above the main traffic arteries over Ceyce. "Now, Miss Argee," the man sitting beside her said, "I'd like to reassure you a little first." "Go ahead and reassure me," Trigger said unsteadily.