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Quillan sighed. "You're a hard woman, Argee," he said. But he turned. He was carrying a holstered gun, as a matter of fact; but he usually did that nowadays anyway. "This thing," he went on, "is supposed to have a head like a bat, three feet across. It flies." "Very interesting," Trigger told him. She decided he wasn't going to turn around again. "So now I'll just get into my clothes, and then "

The Devagas, naturally, hadn't acted on the king plasmoid's naive suggestion. Whatever it feared was more than likely to be very useful to them. Instead they made preparations to bring both 113-A and Trigger Argee into their possession. They would then have a new, strong bargaining point in their dealings with their dubious partner.

They were off-color eyes, like amber or a light wine, fringed with long black lashes. Very steady, very knowing eyes. Trigger felt herself tensing. "Forgive me the discourtesy of inquiring directly," the light voice said. "But you are Trigger Argee, aren't you?" Quillan's hand slapped the table. He looked at Trigger and laughed. "Better give up, Trigger!

They had succeeded in creating some working plasmoids. To go into satisfactory operation, they still needed 113-A. Balmordan had not known why. But they no longer needed Trigger Argee. Trigger Argee was now to be destroyed at the earliest opportunity. Again Balmordan had not known why. Fayle and his unit were in the fortress dome the Devagas had been building.

"Maybe," the driver suggested from the front, "what Miss Argee could do with is a shot of Puya. Flask's in my coat pocket. Left side." "There's an idea," remarked Trigger's companion. He looked at her. "It's very good Puya." "So choke on it," Trigger told him gently. She settled back into the corner of the seat and closed her eyes. "You can wake me up when we get to the Commissioner."

"I'm calling," she said, "because I feel strongly that you boys had better take some immediate action in the Argee matter." "Oh?" said the voice. "What kind of action?" "How the devil would I know? I'm just telling you I can't be responsible for her here much longer." "Has something happened?" Quillan asked quickly. "If you mean has somebody taken another swing at her, no.

First Lady," Doctor Veetonia said plaintively, "I should like to remember this one! It should be possible, I think." Small, icy fingers were working up and down Trigger's spine. The Ermetyne gave her a light wink. "I'm afraid it isn't, Doctor," she said. "There are such very important matters to be discussed. Besides, Trigger Argee and I will come to an amicable agreement very quickly." "No."

She smiled a small, cold smile. "Rozan," she said. "You're Trigger Argee. I know about you. What's the trouble?" Trigger looked at her, wondering. "No trouble," she said. "Personnel just routed me through to you." "They've been instructed to do so," said Rozan. "Go ahead." "I'm on detached duty at the moment." "I know." "I'd like to apply for a transfer back to my previous job. The Manon System."

Tranest agents had made several unsuccessful attempts to pick up the plasmoid. She knew that another group had made similarly unsuccessful attempts. The Devagas. She did not yet know the specific nature of 113-A's importance. But it was important. Trigger: Trigger Argee might be able to tell them why Trigger was important. Doctor Fayle certainly could.

It was part of some unidentifiable cadaver which he'd presumably brought with him for just such a use. Anyway, they had Azol's gene patterns on record, and they didn't jibe." His desk transmitter buzzed and Trigger took it on an earphone extension. "Argee," she said. She listened a moment. "All right. Coming over." She stood up, replacing the earphone. "Office tangle," she explained.