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Lyad nodded. "That was our bargain, Doctor. You know I keep bargains." Doctor Veetonia said, "Yes. You do. It is strange in an Ermetyne. Very well! I shall do it." He looked at Trigger's face. The black-liquid eyes blinked once or twice. "She is almost certain she is being watched," he said, "but she has been thinking of using the ComWeb.

My technicians inform me there may be some risk of damaging its contents if they attempt to force it open. We don't want that. So we'll talk a bit about the proper way of opening it." She gave Trigger her little smile. "And Doctor Veetonia will verify the accuracy of any statements made on the matter." She considered. "Oh, and then I shall ask a few questions. Not many. And you will answer them.

Doctor Veetonia turned his head to look at her. "I did, First Lady? Well, that does explain this odd weariness. Did I work well?" "Splendidly," Lyad assured him. "You were never better, Doctor." He nodded, smiled vaguely and looked back at Trigger. "This must go, too, I suppose?" "I'm afraid it must," Lyad said. "A great pity!" Doctor Veetonia said. "A great pity.

He shook his head. Lyad smiled. She stroked the lined cheek with light finger tips. "Have you forgotten the palace at Hamal Lake?" she asked. "The great library? The laboratories? Haven't I been very generous?" Doctor Veetonia turned his face toward her. He smiled thoughtfully. "Now that is true!" he admitted. "For the moment I did forget." He looked back at Trigger.

I guarantee that no one is going to trace or overtake that boat. You see?" "Yes," Trigger said disconsolately, slumping back a little. Her right hand dropped to her lap. Well, she thought, last chance! Doctor Veetonia frowned. "First " he began. Trigger slapped the porgee pouch. And the Denton's soundless blast slammed the talented investigator back and over in his chair.

"I can believe that," Lyad said. "Forgive me the discourtesy of so urgent an invitation, Trigger. A quite recent event made it seem necessary. As to the business as a start, this gentleman is Doctor Veetonia. He is an investigator of extraordinary talents along his line. At the moment, he is a trifle tired because of the very long hours he worked last night."

First Lady," Doctor Veetonia said plaintively, "I should like to remember this one! It should be possible, I think." Small, icy fingers were working up and down Trigger's spine. The Ermetyne gave her a light wink. "I'm afraid it isn't, Doctor," she said. "There are such very important matters to be discussed. Besides, Trigger Argee and I will come to an amicable agreement very quickly." "No."

She gave Doctor Veetonia a quick glance. He did look very unpleasantly dead. "We'll go over to that ComWeb in a moment," she told Lyad. "I imagine you wouldn't have left it on open circuit?" Lyad shook her head. "Calls go through the ship's communication office." "Your own people on duty there?" "No. Pluly's." "Will they take your orders?" "Certainly!" "Can they listen in?" Trigger asked.

A few treaties will be considerably revised. And the whole hubbub about the plasmoids will be over." She nodded. "Because they can be made to work, you know. And very well!" Doctor Veetonia hadn't looked away from Trigger while Lyad was speaking. He said now, "My congratulations, First Lady! But the girl has not been convinced in the least that she should cooperate.