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Pour surcroit de bonheur pour eux, tous ces Colons sont parvenues, dans un etat tres-florissant; ils sont nombreux et riches: ils recueillent dans le sein de leur patrie toutes les necessites de la vie.

I ought to say, that with our long, damp india-rubber bags, we presented rather a doubtful type of civilisation: like rag-and-bone men, the Cigarette imagined. 'These gentlemen are pedlars? Ces messieurs sont des marchands? asked the landlady.

The Genoese captain looked at him as a madman, and shouted in a confused mixture of French and Italian to lay down his weapon. 'Quei cattivi ces scelerats were armed to the teeth would fire. All lie flat on the deck. The gesture spoke for itself.

C'est par ces marches forcées qu'ils ont réussi, dans leurs différentes guerres,

"Excuse me, gentlemen," he said, as he took a place opposite them, and began reading the papers of the day. "Bah!" said he, at last, "sont-ils grands ces journaux Anglais? Look, sir," he said, handing over an immense sheet of The Times to Mr. Gambouge, "was ever anything so monstrous?" Gambouge smiled politely, and examined the proffered page. "It is enormous" he said; "but I do not read English."

They have always held the casting vote ces dames and we can only bow to the inevitable. And Juanita is grown up. One sees it. She is beginning to record her vote." "Yes," answered Sarrion with a narrow smile. "She is beginning to record her vote."

Isabella was not yet sixteen; and it might have been supposed that her marriage could be put off for a few years more; but this was considered to be out of the question. "Vous ne savez pas," said a high authority, "ce que c'est que ces princesses espagnoles; elles ont le diable au corps, et on a toujours dit que si nous ne nous hations pas, l'heritier viendrait avant le mari."

"I owe them much, your exiles, Mademoiselle Olivia," said he. "When first I met with them I was a man without an ideal or a name, without a scrap of faith or a cause to quarrel for. It is not good for the young, that, Baron, is it? To be passing the days in an ennui and the nights below the lamps? Well, I met your Scots after Dettingen, renewed the old acquaintance I had made at Cam-mercy, and found the later exiles better than the first than the Balhaldies, the Glengarries, Mur-rays, and Sullivans. They were different, ces gens-l

I shall never forget the impression made on me by your brilliant appearance and your no less brilliant talk." "Ah! ces beaux jours! ce bon Louis Philippe, ce cher petit Joinville," sighed the Vicomte. "But at that day you compared le bon Louis Philippe to Robert Macaire.

Few thoughts can be less endurable than that the wisest and best of our race, men of the soberest and most serious tempers, and most candid and judicial minds, should have been the victims and dupes of the mad affection of a crazy Magdalen, of "ces touchantes démoniaques, ces pécheresses converties, ces vraies fondatrices du Christianisme."