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Hippolyte had engaged them beforehand, and seemed rather apologetic about them, and finally, when there did not appear half enough to go round, he shrugged his shoulders almost up to his ears and said, "Que voulez vous!" and that "Ces Messieurs" would have to be "très bourgeois en voyage," and that there was nothing for it but that Mme. la Comtesse de Tournelle should "partager l'appartement de Monsieur le Comte de Tournelle," and that Monsieur le Comte de Croixmare would have to extend like hospitality to Mme. la Comtesse de Croixmare.

«Ces trois feuillets ne s'élèvent pas jusqu'

"Ces messieurs-la," said Montcalm, following up the advantage which he conceived he had gained, "are most formidable when baffled; and it is unnecessary to tell you with what difficulty they are restrained in their anger. Eh bien, monsieur! shall we speak of the terms?" "I fear your excellency has been deceived as to the strength of William Henry, and the resources of its garrison!"

«Ces couches de pierres

But the matter is of such importance, that one must passer pardessus toutes ces finesses de sentiment. Il y va du bonheur et de l'existence d'Anne et de ses enfants. I won't speak of myself, though it's hard for me, very hard," he said, with an expression as though he were threatening someone for its being hard for him.

Restless wert thou in thy life; thy dust was not to be restful in thy death. The Huguenots, ces nouveaux Chretiens qui la France ont pillee, destroyed thy tomb, and the warning of the later monument, has not scared away malicious men. The storm that passed over France a hundred years ago, more terrible than the religious wars that thou didst weep for, has swept the column from the tomb.

FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 174: As Gollut's phraseology is peculiar, it may be as well to reproduce his account of the cave: 'Je ne veux pas omettre toutefois (puisque je suis en ces eaux) de mettre en memoire la commodité que nature hat doné

Par la matiere et l'arrangement de ces compositions il pretend avoir reconnu quelle est la veritable origine de ce globe que nous habitons, comment et par qui il a ete forme." Pp. xix. xx.

Mais ces organes eux-memes furent determines des le premier jour, et depuis l'acte generateur qui le fit etre, le langage ne s'est enrichi d'aucune fonction vraiment nouvelle.

Little Ulysse was exceedingly amazed, and observed that ces gens were not bien eleves to eat out of the dish; but he was too hungry to make any objection to being fed with the wooden spoon that had been handed to Arthur; and when the warm soup, and the meat floating in it, had refreshed them, signs were made to them to lie down on a mat within an open door, and both were worn out enough to sleep soundly.