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It had no one sacred language and in different regions used either Sanskrit texts or translations into Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian and the languages of Central Asia. Ceylon. There is no reason to doubt that Buddhism was introduced under the auspices of Asoka.

There is almost nothing in it that is not the product of the last ten years; it actually represents construction of the last two years. Indeed, the wholly contemporary nature of the exhibits leaves the visitor without visible means of comparison. As at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876, a prime mover is the central figure in the building. There it was the immense Corliss steam engine.

Jack took up the receiver again, therefore, and called the News office. After some delay the girl at the central office said: "They don't answer. I guess they must have gone home." "Central cannot get the News," said Jack, hanging up. "She thinks everybody must have gone home. It is rather late for a fact," glancing at his watch. "I had not thought of that."

"I have found it," said Herlton, whipping out a stylograph, and hastily scribbling an "order to view" on a card; "central as possible for all the meets, grand stabling accommodation, excellent water-supply, big bathroom, game larder, cellarage, a bakehouse if you want to bake your own bread " "Any land with it?" "Not enough to be a nuisance. An acre or two of paddock and about the same of garden.

You seem to be a sprightly young man, and I advise you to try your hand at making six hundred dollars in some other way." Mr. Lincoln was for a time employed by the Illinois Central Railroad as one of its attorneys.

From the refrigeration deck, they descended to still another deck into the very bowels of the ship. This descent brought them to a long gallery that was formed by a bulkhead running down the center of the ship. As they entered this passage, three workmen came out of a small steel door that opened into this central wall.

We would not care to increase the inflammatory action, as we should necessarily do on the positive side of the central point, by using cords of equal length.

The influence of the locally wealthy, and also that of the central party office, is somewhat greater among the Tories, but in course of time choice by representative associations will doubtless become the rule." Is it to be expected that this power will not be abused as in America?

We speak of it as the master and controller of the body; but this is only partially true. The brain is not so much the President of our Cell Republic as a great central telephone exchange, where messages from all over the body are received, sifted, and transmitted in more or less modified form, to other parts of the body.

A great central purpose controlled them, such as controls masses of men in battle or at public prayer; a powerful and universal Law had hold of them; they treated it as if they loved it. They seemed to feel affectionately toward the whole system of things.