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For the moment she would read all in Cantemir's handsome face that it masqued and would turn from it only to become lost in contemplation of what life would be if she were free from Cedric's guardianship, never thinking of the greater bondage of espousing a knave.

"He has poisoned the wells," Malcolm said to himself indignantly "Cedric's fresh young mind has been contaminated by his odious philosophy," and his heart grew sad as he remembered Dinah's faith in her boy. More than once he was so sickened by Cedric's want of restraint and childish abandon of grief that he was tempted to give up the struggle.

Cantemir had turned religious, owing to the taking hold upon him of a mortal disease; and though he had not been about to undo any of his schemes in Cedric's case, yet he intended to do so as soon as he was able. He was not idle, however, as he wrote many letters and received visits from the ones who were foremost in the fight.

Then occurred a strange thing to them all; for 'twas ever Cedric's way to swear and curse, using holy names and blasphemous phrases; and it startled Katherine more than all, as he spoke low and calmly, holding out his jewelled hand to her: "Come, Mistress Penwick, I will escort thee to thy chamber; 'tis a childish trick of thine to seek bread and butter at such unseemly hours."

He was the counterpart of Lord Cedric in all save visage and temperament. Gracefully he strode across the room with the confidence of one who had already mastered the situation; planned for his Lordship a complete victory, and there was naught left to do but carry out the methodical arrangements thus quickly formulated. He placed his hand lightly upon Cedric's shoulder.

The church must be built up. It had not occurred to her that there were other religions beside the Catholic; and when Lord Cedric's chaplain made known to her the difficulties of arranging Catholic orders in a Protestant Church, she could not understand. Janet explained to her what she would be compelled to surmount to bring her religion to be the accepted one in Crandlemar.

Cedric's head was sunk on his arms, and his whole frame was convulsed with suppressed emotion; but when Malcolm put his hand on his shoulder, he started up as though beside himself. "This is your doing," he said furiously. "I will never forgive you, Herrick never! Oh!" as midnight chimed from a church near "this is our wedding-day : Leah's and mine, and you have hidden my bride away!

These matters were not altogether new to Sir Julian, for Lord Cedric had discoursed at length upon them, but the nucleus he sought was found, and he listened perfunctorily to all else, feasting his eyes upon her face and listening only to the music of her voice. "Then why, may I ask, didst thou discard Cedric's suit?"

"Oh, Betty dear, that would spoil everything," she said in a distressed tone. "Surely you want to see dear Cedric's future home." "Of course I want to see it," returned Elizabeth rather shortly; "only I should have preferred going down quietly a little later on" which was somewhat contradictory, as she had herself proposed the plan.

I will not have it!" "But I must hasten, I am riding alone, and some one will be sent for me if I do not soon return to the castle." "Thou must give me promise first, sweet one!" "Promise, promise of what?" and she listened eagerly to his next words. "Dost thou not covet a Prince's favour?" Constance' heart fluttered mightily, and she thought "A fig for Cedric's love of me.