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Men's minds were full of confidence, they bought freely, and were launching out in all directions. They wanted good shorthorn cattle he sold them cattle; they wanted sheep he sold them sheep. They wanted wheat, and he sold them the standing crops, took the money, and so cleared his profit and saved himself trouble. It was, in fact, a period of inflation.

He worked his way on a cattle steamer from New York to Liverpool. But it was a homesick boy that roamed around in foreign lands, and as he has said most feelingly since, "I felt that if I could only get back home, I would never, never leave it again."

How peaceful and quiet the summer night had become! How clearly now she understood life! The song Walter Sayers had sung in the field, in the presence of the cattle was in a tongue she had not understood, but now she understood everything, even the meaning of the strange foreign words. The song was about life and death. What else was there to sing about?

The flat used to be bigger, but the creek's eaten into it. Poppe said they was a couple of killin's an' one lynchin'." Lying low against their horses' necks, they scrambled up a steep cattle trail out of the canyon, and began to work across rough country toward the knolls. "Say, Saxon, you're always lookin' for something pretty.

We were surveying near the west coast rotten country and I met her at her father's place. You see, they raise cattle and all that sort of thing there. Her old man I should say Mr. Grimes is the cattle king of Patagonia. He's worth a couple of millions easy. Well, to make a long story short, we all fell in love with Pansy the whole engineering corps and I won out.

There his responsibilities would cease, as there the buyers had promised to meet him, taking the herd on into the railroad. During the days which followed he was as busy as a man should care to be, for the task of moving a large herd across a dry and baking country and through it all keeping the cattle in first-class condition, is no small one.

It was the Dutch called in the English to help them against the Zulus, that were tricky rogues, and would do no work but to be driving the cattle off the fields.

This rate of travelling will annihilate a great distance, but only in a great deal of time; and, knowing that their cattle could not hold out much longer, our adventurers began to fear that their hunting expedition would turn out something worst than a failure. Throughout that long and dreary night they toiled on, driving the cattle before them.

Dusty, well-beaten trails led down through these wide canyons, trails which undoubtedly gained the top of the level, rocky plateau a few miles back from the river. As is usual in a cattle country at the end of the summer season, the bunch-grass, close to the water supply which in this case happened to the river was nibbled close to the roots.

"We thought we'd take up some claims and go to ranching for ourselves, when we got discharged from the Flying U. We didn't mean any harm everybody's taking up claims. We've bought some cattle and we're going to try and get ahead, like other folks. We I wanted to cut out all this wildness " "Are those your cattle up on the hill?