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"Can't you see?" begged the other. "I'm sure you are reasonable enough to take the case on its broader side." "You refuse?" insisted Ned Trent. "It is not always easy to walk straightly before the Lord, and my way is not always clear before me, but " "You refuse!" cried Ned Trent, rising impatiently. The Reverend Archibald Crane looked at his catechiser with a trace of alarm.

The Lord in His grace fetch us up;" and spying a bush near him, he added, "And truly there are thorns and briars in the way, too." He had great command of his flock at Roxbury, and was a most diligent preacher and catechiser, declaring, in reference to the charge to St. Peter, that "the care of the lambs is one-third part of the charge to the Church of God."

This kind of discourse I did not expect; nor am I disposed to give an answer to such questions, because I count not myself bound thereto, unless you take upon you to be a catechiser, and, though you should so do, yet I may refuse to make you my judge. But, I pray, will you tell me why you ask me such questions?

He made statements which Miss Honoria seemed to find more startling, if not so amusing, as those he made to her." "Did he?" Mary straightened one of the tall white candles in the candelabrum of many prisms on the end of the mantelpiece near which she stood. Her voice was not interested. "I believe he did tell me Miss Honoria was a cut-glass catechiser and very much interested in me."

Having satisfied himself that the whole family is in reasonable health, and quite certain that he has omitted no important relation, the catechiser proceeds to inquire as to the other's worldly possessions. "How are thy crops?" "God will give me a good harvest." "How are thy horses?" "Thy sheep?" "Thy goats?" "Thy cows?" "Thy pigs?" "Thy bees?"

"Nay," says the trooper gravely, "the miracles of the first three centuries belong to my Church as well as yours, Master Papist," and then added, with something of a smile upon his countenance, and a queer look at Harry "And yet, my little catechiser, I have sometimes thought about those miracles, that there was not much good in them, since the victim's head always finished by coming off at the third or fourth chop, and the caldron, if it did not boil one day, boiled the next.

"Can't you see?" begged the other. "I'm sure you are reasonable enough to take the case on its broader side." "You refuse?" insisted Ned Trent. "It is not always easy to walk straightly before the Lord, and my way is not always clear before me, but " "You refuse!" cried Ned Trent, rising impatiently. The reverend Archibald Crane looked at his catechiser with a trace of alarm.

Indeed, the boy loved his catechiser so much that he would have subscribed to anything she bade him, and was never tired of listening to her fond discourse and simple comments upon the book, which she read to him in a voice of which it was difficult to resist the sweet persuasion and tender appealing kindness.

He led me to the mission-school, a shed that sheltered settles and desks, tattered books, slates and boards, two native pedagogues, and two lines of pupils sized from the right, the biggest being nearest the 'boss. We took our places upon the bench, and the catechiser, when bade to begin, opened, after a little hesitation, as follows: Q. Who he be de fuss man? A. Adam. Q. Who he be de fuss woman?